Today is known as “Giving Tuesday” -- a day where folks like you choose to give to their favorite cause. This has me thinking about all of our incredible supporters who continue to give the gift of liberty
by supporting our cause. Without people like YOU, Campaign for Liberty could not do all the
hard work we do all over the country, because it requires regular folks digging deep. I could
not be more appreciative. So many answered our recent call to chip in, but we’re still a little short this month.
Campaign for Liberty still needs to raise another $7,356 to stay on track.
With all the battles we face, Patriot, now is not the time to slow
down. I believe you feel the same way I do.
Think about everything the political class is attacking us with.
>>>Draconian COVID mandates – Even 21 months later, Fauci, Governors, and mini-tyrants in cities and health
departments are STILL trying to lock people out of their lives and employment if they won’t submit to ineffective mitigation measures and an
experimental shot with often-deadly side effects. >>>Spending and inflation
are out of control – There are signs everywhere that all the so-called “COVID relief” spending has once again destroyed
the economy for the middle class, enriched the political class and made people even more dependent on government. Both sides of the aisle have made
the extra $5 Trillion+ in spending possible. >>>Debt and the Federal
Reserve – None of the inflation and out of control spending would be possible without a Congress that has yet to pass a full audit
of the Federal Reserve through both chambers but continues to increase the debt limit to accommodate their disastrously inept budgeting.
>>>Gun grabbers are waiting to pounce – The Democrat-controlled
Congress and Senate, at the behest of the Biden Administration, have introduced some of the worst gun registration and confiscation bills we have ever
seen. They are always just one tragedy away from pushing hard to pass Second Amendment shredding bills with an assist from the corporate press. For all of those reasons and more, I am asking you to dig deep and contribute today to help us reach
our minimum goal of $7,356. Would you consider a generous donation of $50, $150, or
$250 on this Giving Tuesday? What could be better than the gift of fighting
for liberty in this time of great medical tyranny? If the above amounts are just too much for you
right now, can you chip in $9? Every single dollar counts, especially at this time of year.
I know I speak for my entire staff when I say we are so thankful for all you have done to support Campaign for Liberty and our causes in
2021. You’ve helped us generate hundreds of thousands of signatures on petitions to
U.S. Representatives, Senators, and state legislators. You’ve made countless
phone calls to your representatives and senators. You’ve helped us spread the
critical message of liberty in your own backyard. All of your
efforts supporting this organization is what keeps me energized! Patriot, while all battles
are vitally important, I do see the COVID tyranny as the greatest immediate threat we face.
I’ve been saying it for months now and I will continue to say it. Your resistance is
required to end the Coronacrisis. But the authoritarians and statists do not want the
crisis to end. . . It’s been too profitable and given the elites the ability
to seize more power than they could have ever imagined. It’s been rough lately,
with so many battles to fight at the local, state, and national levels. Please be assured my
staff works very hard to stretch every dollar as far as they can. They’ve been working
with the grassroots to successfully spread the message of freedom far and wide, recruiting, equipping, and training activists for battle, and
thwarting most of what Washington statists have thrown at us. But fighting all of these
battles hasn’t been easy or cheap. I hope you’ll agree to a generous donation of $50,
$150, $250, or more today to keep Campaign for Liberty going strong as we battle against tyranny at all levels of government? This Giving Tuesday, what better cause is there than to provide the means needed to defend our
God-given liberties from the growing list of tyrants coming out of the woodwork ever since the start of the COVID outbreak?
If you can dig
deep and give a little more, donations of $50, $150, $250, or more will go a long way to keep Campaign for Liberty going strong.
In the midst of all this chaos, there is still some good news to report. No jab, no job is starting to fail, and that didn’t happen by accident.
It’s because of resistance by people just like you. Since
day one of the draconian lockdowns in March of last year, I have been spreading the message in opposition to what was coming out of the CDC and Dr.
Fauci. We at Campaign for Liberty have worked with liberty legislators and our strong
grassroots network to push back, and we’ve won some important battles, but there is so much more work to be done.
There will certainly be more fights coming to a city hall, school board meetings, or state house near you.
Whether Fauci’s moving to force COVID jabs and booster shots or his recent signaling of a new round of
lockdowns, Fauci wants to move the goalposts AGAIN. Then all the
mini-Faucis at the local level will jump at the opportunity to seize even more power. You and I
must continue to resist. Patriot, bending the knee will lead to an endless number of mandatory
shots just to live your life. What started as “15 days to slow the spread”
has turned into medical tyrants -- led by the maniacal Dr. Fauci -- taking every inch given by a mostly obedient public. These oppressive mandates, which are supposed to be based on “science,” could not be
more UNSCIENTIFIC. The U.S. is one of only two first-world countries (along with Germany) that
pushes vaccine mandates regardless of natural immunity. This is about POWER and CONTROL, not
about stopping a virus. Not to mention the failures of these rushed Big Pharma jabs that were
sold as the “end of the pandemic” are starting to pile up. Yet they keep
pushing the mandates further and further. Now the medical tyrants are insisting
children from age 5-11 must be vaccinated with no data to support they are at high risk from COVID -- this shows that we let them take too much
ground! I cannot emphasize it enough -- the time to take action to protect our children is
RIGHT NOW. Patriot, any consenting adult who wants to take the COVID jab is free to do so.
But those who prefer to opt out, including parents whose responsibility it is to choose for their children, should not be forced to do so. And
ultimately, it should be parents deciding on behalf of their children and not the local school system or county health administrator.
It is a personal choice, end of story.
Americans must stop listening to Fauci, Biden, and all the mini-tyrants their useless health mandates have enabled.
If we don’t, we’ll quickly end up like Australia, or even Austria, which has two classes of citizens -- the
vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Campaign for Liberty has been on the front lines fighting
against the tyranny from day 1 of this cooked-up Coronacrisis, which is why we need your help now more than ever.
Patriot, I am counting
on you to rush a donation today. The good news is the medical tyranny is failing in the court of
public opinion. Their credibility from 2020 is gone and all that’s left are the fears
they’re using in a desperate attempt to cling to the power they’ve seized . . . permanently.
The fight to preserve health freedom will continue to be the biggest battle we face in 2022.
I appreciate your support on this Giving Tuesday and the rest of the year. For
Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman
P.S. There is no limit to what freedoms Dr. Fauci and his band of mini-medical dictators will take from us if the public
continues to obey him. Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help as the 2020 Coronacrisis
extends into 2022. Please consider a generous donation now.
If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.