Patriot, Thanks to the support from Campaign for Liberty members across the country, you and I are making progress on our efforts to build support back up for Audit the Fed in the House. By the time we’re done, our goal is to give Nancy Pelosi NO CHOICE but to bring H.R. 24 up for a vote. But I can’t do it without your action today, Patriot. Even if you think you’ve signed it before, please sign your Audit the Fed petition right away. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with sending more than one petition on the same issue to your elected representatives – and each and every signed petition we gather makes a tremendous difference when my staff reaches out to their office. So please, take just a few moments to read my letter below about our efforts to pass Audit the Fed, sign your petition and make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty right away. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman ![]() Dear Patriot, C4L staff have been pounding the pavement on Capitol Hill in recent weeks, visiting and calling offices, and mobilizing grassroots activists in targeted districts in support of Audit the Fed. In fact, we've visited 192 offices in just the past two weeks! Since our recent Audit the Fed "Banner Bomb" launched, we've already recruited a dozen new cosponsors. I’m pleased to report Representatives John Carter (TX-31), David Schweikert, (AZ-6), Bob Latta (OH-5), Steve Stivers (OH-15), Brad Byrne (AL-1) and Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2) have joined Bill Johnson (OH-6), Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-5), Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1), Denver Riggleman (VA-5), Doug LaMalfa (CA-1), Doug Lamborn (CO-5), and over 70 other members of Congress in signing on to Rep. Thomas Massie’s H.R. 24 -- my Audit the Fed bill! We’re making headway against the Banksters. But if you and I are to ultimately succeed in exposing them and put an end to the constant economic crises that the Federal Reserve System creates, I need your help. I’m counting on you to sign your Audit the Fed petition and make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty right away. The truth is going of up against the army of Federal Reserve sycophants is no easy feat. And for every congressional office my staff visits, they need thousands of folks like you backing them up. That’s why your petitions are so important. You see, the politicians in Washington, D.C. are so much more responsive when my staff asks them to cosponsor Audit the Fed, when they know a tidal wave of petitions -- each representing a voter from their district -- could come crashing down around them. ![]() And after you sign your petition, please forward this message on to your pro-liberty friends and family and ask them to sign as well. The truth is, whether it’s never-ending Big Government boondoggles -- or one foreign policy misadventure after another -- the Federal Reserve has fueled everything you and I HATE about Washington, D.C. for decades. Politicians in BOTH parties have figured out the Fed will just print money out of thin air to pay the bills when taxing and borrowing doesn’t make ends meet. So politicians keep spending money we don’t have -- convinced that nothing bad will ever happen. But while they're burying their heads in the sand, an economic catastrophe is headed straight for you and me. The problem is that economic chickens ALWAYS come home to roost. And the day of reckoning I’m worried is just around the corner could ultimately wipe out every last shred of American wealth. Consider the headline of a recent Washington Examiner news article about our ballooning $22 TRILLION national debt created by Congress’ never-ending spending spree. “This Congressional Budget Office chart on the unsustainable federal debt should scare every American” Just look at the infographic below from the story. . . ![]() Another recent article detailed one of the Fed Chairman’s routine trips to Capitol Hill to warn of “unthinkable harm” if Congress doesn’t give in to the banksters’ demands. That’s why auditing the Fed -- striking at the heart of the Washington, D.C. Leviathan -- is so critical. If passed, Audit the Fed would finally show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to: *** Constant economic crises. The 2008 housing crisis
and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally planned interest rates and money manipulation. As I
mentioned, I’m worried we’re in the midst of another bubble that could burst any second; *** The destruction of the middle class. As food, fuel, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money plummets; *** Currency destruction. History shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize our money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it. The good news is, I sincerely believe we CAN get this done. You see, polls show that nearly 80% of the American people believe the Fed should be audited. So politicians who stand up for Fed secrecy are standing on razor-thin political ice. Voting “NO!” on Audit the Fed could mean the end of their political careers. As I’ve told you before, President Trump pledged to support Audit the Fed while running for president in 2016. And in recent months, the Fed has been a constant target of his anger. The last time Audit the Fed was voted on in the U.S. Senate, we earned a Senate majority, falling just 7 votes shy of overcoming a filibuster. And four senators who voted “NO!” on Audit the Fed went down to defeat in 2018. With pick-ups in the 2018 Senate elections, that means we’re inching ever closer to reaching the 60-vote threshold we need. Our biggest challenge may be the U.S. House -- but I believe that’s a fight we can win. After all, you and I faced a similar challenge in 2009 with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and with your help, we got a partial audit of the Fed signed into law! Patriot, our recent Audit the Fed “Banner Bomb” has shown Congress we’re serious about getting the job done on Audit the Fed. The good news is, with your actions fueling a mass mobilization program, you and I can ensure the Banksters at the Federal Reserve won’t be able to hide all the harm they do to the American economic system! But we’ve got to keep the pressure on to FORCE my Audit Fed Bill onto the House floor. That’s why it’s so important you sign your “AUDIT THE FED NOW!” petition TODAY. But I hope you won’t stop there. If possible, please agree to your most generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty: 1) Use mail and email to contact up to 12 million Americans from coast-to-coast
to generate petitions just like the one I’m asking you to sign today to Congress; 2) Work the talk-radio lines to explain exactly why Audit the Fed is absolutely critical to stopping the economic DISASTER I’m worried is right around the corner; and 3) Launch an all-out email and phone mobilization campaign to explain to the American people exactly why the Federal Reserve MUST be exposed. Of course, I’d like to do even more -- including Internet, radio, and even TV ads -- if I can raise the funds. But unlike the Fed, I can’t just snap my fingers and create money out of thin air. Campaign for Liberty depends on the generosity of good folks like you for everything we do. So in addition to signing your petition, will you please agree to your most generous gift of $50 right away? I know that’s a lot to ask for. But your action and generosity have proven to work. You are making an incredible impact. Of course, if $50 is just too much, please agree to $25, or at least $10. I truly believe we can finally Audit the Fed and hold off the financial disaster I’m worried is headed our way. But only with your help. So will you please sign your “AUDIT THE FED NOW!” petition and make your most generous contribution of $50, $25 or at least $10 at once? Please do all you can to send Speaker Pelosi a LOUD and CLEAR message demanding she Audit the Fed! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The Fed Chairman is warning of “unthinkable harm” if Congress doesn’t give in to the Banskters’ demands for an even higher debt-fueled credit card. But with our ballooning $22 TRILLION national debt created by Congress’ never-ending spending spree -- fears are growing that our economy is barreling toward total collapse, perhaps even worse than the last financial crisis of 2008. If we don’t expose the Fed now, I’m worried this collapse could wipe out every last shred of American wealth! So please sign your “AUDIT THE FED NOW!” petition IMMEDIATELY! And if possible, please agree to a generous contribution of $50, $25, or at least $10. |