On Nov. 19, the House of Representatives rose to meet the moment and passed the Build Back Better Act, a once-in-a-generation jobs and investment bill to make sure every American can thrive.
Let’s keep the momentum going. Call your senators at 888-879-2059 and tell them to pass it too.
The Build Back Better plan will lower taxes and costs for working families, invest resources into pre-K for every child, make paid family leave a reality, provide child tax credits for working families, make child and elder care less expensive, build affordable housing, invest in sustainable energy to tackle the climate crisis, and more. Most important, this bill will create good union jobs and invest in human infrastructure for our families, our kids and our future.
The House of Representatives did its job. Now it’s the Senate’s turn. Call your senators at 888-879-2059 and tell them: Pass President Biden’s Build Back Better Act.
In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President
Randi Weingarten, President
Fedrick Ingram, Secretary-Treasurer | Evelyn DeJesus, Executive Vice President
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