It’s time for $20 and a union for long-term caregivers.
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LAANE is excited to partner with SEIU 2015 on our new Quality Care campaign to push for better conditions for long-term care workers. We hope you will join us and say it's time for $20.00 an hour and a union for long-term caregivers.

November is National Caregivers month, and the Quality Care campaign held a community briefing where Robert, an SEIU 2015 member who has been a CNA for six years, spoke about his passion for taking care of others. He worked through the pandemic for $15.50 an hour. During this time he unfortunately contracted Covid-19 and took it home to his family. This did not stop Robert from going back to work immediately after his recovery to take care of his residents at his facility. People like Robert are essential to our city. Protecting long-term caregivers means protecting the community at large. 

Join us as we fight for $20.00 an hour for nursing home workers who are predominantly women of color and have had to work two jobs (increasing their exposure to Covid-19) to make ends meet for their families. 

It is a public health crisis when companies do not give their workers the pay, dignity and respect they need. As Pastor Cue shared in his closing reflection at the Quality Care community briefing, it’s a moral crisis too, and we are moved to take action to right this wrong. 

Will you join us? Sign the petition and call on California leadership to set a $20 minimum wage now!

Petition signers will receive a short survey in response. We hope you will help us build power by filling it out.
In Solidarity,

Roxana Tynan
LAANE Executive Director
LAANE is a leading advocacy organization dedicated to building a new economy for all. Combining dynamic research, innovative public policy and the organizing of broad alliances, LAANE promotes a new economic approach based on good jobs, thriving communities, and a healthy environment.
Copyright © 2021, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.

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