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Dear John

Today on Giving Tuesday, we want to thank you for your continued support of CPRE’s campaigns. 

You are helping us to enhance, protect and promote the countryside we all love.  

Like many other charities, we too are still feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. We rely on our supporters’ gifts as they enable us to continue resourcing our important campaigns today and into the future

Will you chip in today to support our campaigns such as 'brownfield first'?

I'll chip in

At CPRE, we want the government to adopt a ‘brownfield first’ policy.  

Earlier this month, we launched our annual state of brownfield report. It demonstrated the stark reality that despite an increase in brownfield land available over the past year, a smaller proportion was granted planning permission.

This is a tragic waste of land that could be recycled for housing. 

The good news is that the government now appears to share these views. But we now need to keep up the pressure on our leaders to ensure they stay true to their promises

And this is where we need your help

Would you consider making a donation?

Thank you for playing your part in ensuring we have a thriving countryside for generations to come. 

Best wishes,

Elvira Meucci-Lyons

Director of Engagement and Income

PS: Here are other ways to help

green curve