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Leadership Weekly

On this year’s Giving Tuesday, Leadership Weekly explores efforts to reform philanthropy with the goal of fulfilling its mission—to give in the service of promoting a more equitable society. First, we look at current legislation to reform how DAFs are used to advance the economic interests of the wealthiest, even at a time when inequality is at record levels. We also turn to another method, the “Charitable Standard,” to hold the wealthiest accountable to giving back their fair share. We then analyze whether donor-advised funds were in fact used how they were supposed to be, when put to the test during the pandemic. Lastly, we take inspiration from the important history of Black women giving back, performing acts of kindness that today’s philanthropic sector should learn from, both in theory and practice.

Will Congress Act to Reform Philanthropy?

Finally: a bill emerges in Congress to regulate donor-advised funds. But it remains to be seen if Congress will commit to meaningful rules for the road. Read more…
9 Steps to Build a Successful CSR Strategy
Get step-by-step instructions on how to create a CSR program rooted in your company values. Learn about the latest trends, strategies, and best practices, plus the common pitfalls to avoid.
Get the Guide

Billionaires Say They Can’t Give Their Money Away Fast Enough: Here’s How

Many billionaires who’ve signed the “Giving Pledge” have seen their net worth rise. But there is a serious path for them to give away their money, if they commit to doing so. Read more…
[Webinar Replay] Unlock the Power of Your Community for Your Cause
Discover how Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Boost community activates and equips a global community of immunization professionals to respond to COVID-19.
Watch the webinar here.

COVID-19 and Donor-Advised Funds in 2020: What Do the Numbers Tell Us?

Giving from donor-advised funds climbed in 2020 due to COVID-19. But did philanthropy’s “rainy day” fund fulfill its promise? Read more...
Tough Times, Tougher Nonprofits
Can you lead your organization through any storm? Learn from Joan Garry the 5 steps to a thriving and resilient nonprofit in uncertain times. 
Read More

Black Women in Philanthropy: The Art of Everyday Giving as Activism

Studies show that Black donors give 25 percent more than white donors. A few stories of Black women donors offer a window into some of the reasons why. Read more…
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