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This is the October 2019 issue of the library newsletter.
Reminder: We have introduced a new Irish alcohol research [
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] page on our website to provide easier access to alcohol-specific evidence.
To view our entire collection of research and to access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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], Ireland's comprehensive drug and alcohol research library. Follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Drinking patterns and the distribution of alcohol-related harms in Ireland: evidence for the
prevention paradox.
O'Dwyer, Claire and Mongan, Deirdre and Millar, Sean and Rackard, Marion and Galvin, Brian and Long,
Jean and Barry, Joe (2019) Drinking patterns and the distribution of alcohol-related harms in
Ireland: evidence for the prevention paradox. BMC Public Health , 19 , (Article number: 1323 (2019))
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Profile of fire fatalities in Ireland using coronial data.
Doyle, Anne and Lyons, Suzi and Lynn, Ena (2019) Profile of fire fatalities in Ireland using
coronial data. Fire Safety , (102892) .
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A strategic approach to service user participation (SUP) in the Task Force process.
Finglas Cabra Local Drug & Alcohol Task Force, Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force.
(2019) A strategic approach to service user participation (SUP) in the Task Force process. Dublin:
Finglas/Cabra and Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Forces.
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Alcohol a major factor in fatalities between 10pm and 6am.
Road Safety Authority. (2019) Alcohol a major factor in fatalities between 10pm and 6am. Dublin:
Road Safety Authority.
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Acceptability and accuracy of oral fluid drug testing for patients on methadone maintenance.
O'Callaghan, Michael Edmund and Regan, Liam and Wilson, Maria and Byrne, Emmett and Hollywood, Brid
and O'Kelly, Fergus and O'Ciardha, Darach (2019) Acceptability and accuracy of oral fluid drug
testing for patients on methadone maintenance. Irish Journal of Medical Science , Early online .
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Cannabis use and associated health problems – what’s the harm?
Smyth, Bobby P and O'Farrell, Anne and Daly, Antoinette (2019) Cannabis use and associated health
problems – what’s the harm? Irish Medical Journal , 112 , (9) , 6 p..
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Drug impaired driving: the confirmed new reality in modern Ireland.
Cusack, Denis A (2019) Drug impaired driving: the confirmed new reality in modern Ireland. In: Road
Safety Authority Academic Day, 7 October 2019, Royal College of Surgeons.
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Repeat prescribing of strong opioids in Irish general practice.
O'Sullivan, Hilary and Harkin, Susan and Walsh, Noreen and Cody, Anne Marie (2019) Repeat
prescribing of strong opioids in Irish general practice. Forum , 36 , (8) , pp. 48-50.
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The systematic destruction of the community development, anti-poverty and equality movement
Kelleher, Patricia and O’Neill, Cathleen (2018) The systematic destruction of the community
development, anti-poverty and equality movement (2002-2015). Cork: Kelleher Associates.
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Potentially serious alcohol–medication interactions and falls in community-dwelling older adults: a
prospective cohort study.
Holton, Alice and Boland, Fiona and Gallagher, Paul and Fahey, Tom and Moriarty, Frank and Kenny,
Rose Anne and Cousins, Grainne (2019) Potentially serious alcohol–medication interactions and falls
in community-dwelling older adults: a prospective cohort study. Age and Ageing , Early online .
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Suicide amongst anaesthetists - an Association of Anaesthetists survey.
Yentis, SM and Shinde, S and Plunkett, E and Mortimore, A (2019) Suicide amongst anaesthetists - an
Association of Anaesthetists survey. Anaesthesia , 74 , (11) , pp. 1365-1373.
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Incidence and risk factors for invasive pneumococcal disease in HIV-positive individuals in the era
of highly active antiretroviral therapy.
Sadlier, C and O'Connell, Sarah and Kelleher, M and Bergin, C (2019) Incidence and risk factors for
invasive pneumococcal disease in HIV-positive individuals in the era of highly active antiretroviral
therapy. International Journal of STD & AIDS , 30 , (5) , pp. 472-478.
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The seroprevalence of untreated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and associated risk
factors in male Irish prisoners: a cross-sectional study, 2017.
Crowley, Desmond and Lambert, John S and Betts-Symonds, Graham and Cullen, Walter and Keevans, Mary
and Kelly, Enda and Laird, Eamon and McHugh, Tina and McKiernan, Susan and Miggin, Sarah Jayne and
Murphy, Carol and Murtagh, Ross and O'Reilly, Deirdre and Tobin, Ciara and Van Hout, Marie Claire
(2019) The seroprevalence of untreated chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and associated risk
factors in male Irish prisoners: a cross-sectional study, 2017. Euro Surveillance , 24 , (14) .
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Methylation of OPRL1 mediates the effect of psychosocial stress on binge drinking in adolescents.
Ruggeri, Barbara et al. (2018) Methylation of OPRL1 mediates the effect of psychosocial stress on
binge drinking in adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines ,
59 , (6) , pp. 650-658.
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Comparative price levels for food, beverages and tobacco 2018.
Central Statistics Office. (2019) Comparative price levels for food, beverages and tobacco 2018.
Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Smoking beliefs across genders, a comparative analysis of seven European countries.
Grard, Adeline and Schreuders, Michael and Alves, Joana and Kinnunen, Jaana M and Richter, Matthias
and Federico, Bruno and Kunst, Anton and Clancy, Luke and Lorant, Vincent (2019) Smoking beliefs
across genders, a comparative analysis of seven European countries. BMC Public Health , 19 , (1) ,
p. 1321.
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An integrated vaccine clinic; a novel model of care to improve vaccine uptake in at-risk patient
Sadlier, Corinna and O'Rourke, A and Carr, A and Bergin, C (2019) An integrated vaccine clinic; a
novel model of care to improve vaccine uptake in at-risk patient groups. Irish Medical Journal , 112
, (9) .
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Perceptions of safety among people living and working in the Finglas Community Safety Forum
Walsh, Kathy and McNally, Michelle and Bennett, John (2019) Perceptions of safety among people
living and working in the Finglas Community Safety Forum catchment. Dublin: Finglas Safety Forum.
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EMIS-2017 Ireland: findings from the European Men who have sex with men Internet Survey (Ireland).
Casey, Claire and O'Donnell, Kate and Brady, Melissa and Igoe, Derval (2019) EMIS-2017 Ireland:
findings from the European Men who have sex with men Internet Survey (Ireland). Dublin: Health
Protection Surveillance Centre.
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Merchant's Quay Ireland annual review 2018.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2019) Merchant's Quay Ireland annual review 2018. Dublin: Merchants Quay
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HPRA annual report 2018.
Health Products Regulatory Authority. (2019) HPRA annual report 2018. Dublin: HPRA.
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Department of Health annual report 2018.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2019) Department of Health annual report 2018. Dublin: Department of
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National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2018.
Griffin, Eve and McTernan, Niall and Wrigley, Conal and Nicholson, Sarah and Arensman, Ella and
Williamson, Eileen and Corcoran, Paul (2019) National Self-Harm Registry Ireland annual report 2018.
Cork: National Suicide Research Foundation.
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Quay Times.
Merchants Quay Ireland. (2019) Quay Times. Autumn 2019 , 4 p.. Dublin: Merchants Quay Ireland.
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Key characteristics of young people in detention: a snapshot (Q1, 2019).
Oberstown Children Detention Campus. (2019) Key characteristics of young people in detention: a
snapshot (Q1, 2019). Dublin: Oberstown Children Detention Campus.
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Recorded crime Q2 2019.
Central Statistics Office. (2019) Recorded crime Q2 2019. Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Oberstown children detention campus: annual report 2018.
Oberstown Children Detention Campus. (2019) Oberstown children detention campus: annual report 2018.
Dublin: Oberstown Children Detention Campus.
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Depaul annual report 2018.
Depaul. (2019) Depaul annual report 2018. Dublin: Depaul.
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HSE data management report: June 2019.
Health Service Executive. (2019) HSE data management report: June 2019. Dublin: Health Service
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Evidence Resources
Cannabis policy: status and recent developments.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. [EMCDDA] (2019) Cannabis policy: status and
recent developments. Lisbon: EMCDDA.
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Alcohol and cancer risks: a guide for health professionals.
Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems. (2019) Alcohol and cancer risks: a guide for health
professionals. Edinburgh: SHAAP. 13 p.
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Research into the potential for substance switching following the introduction of minimum pricing
for alcohol in Wales.
Holloway, Katy and May, Tom and Buhociu, Marian and Livingston, Wulf and Perkins, Andy and
Madoc-Jones, Iolo . (2019) Research into the potential for substance switching following the
introduction of minimum pricing for alcohol in Wales. Cardiff: Welsh Government. 146 p. GSR report
number 48/2019
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Association of a multimodal educational intervention for primary care physicians with prescriptions
of buprenorphine for opioid use disorders.
Clark, Brinton and Kai, Mari and Dix, Ryan and White, Jonathan and Rozenfeld, Yelena and Levy,
Sheldon and Engstrom, Kathleen . (2019) Association of a multimodal educational intervention for
primary care physicians with prescriptions of buprenorphine for opioid use disorders. (10 e1913818)
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Online drug monitoring.
Trimbos Instituut. van der Gouwe, Daan and Blankers, Matthijs and van Laar, Margriet . (2019) Online
drug monitoring. Utrecht: Trimbos-instituut. 16 p.
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Alcohol marketing: protecting the vulnerable conference.
Institute of Alcohol Studies. (2019) Alcohol marketing: protecting the vulnerable conference.
London: Institute of Alcohol Studies.
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The EU drugs strategy: a model for common action.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2019) The EU drugs strategy: a model for
common action. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. 4 p.
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A rapid narrative review of literature on gendered alcohol marketing and its effects: exploring the
targeting and representation of women.
Mare Atkinson, Amanda and Sumnall, Harry and Begley, Emma and Jones, Lisa . (2019) A rapid narrative
review of literature on gendered alcohol marketing and its effects: exploring the targeting and
representation of women. Liverpool: Public Health Institute, Liverpool John Moores University. 56 p.
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Pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding, and alcohol consumption: an analysis of framing and
completeness of information disseminated by alcohol industry–funded organizations.
Lim, Audrey WY and van Schalkwyk, May CI and Hessari, Nason Maani and Petticrew, Mark P . (2019)
Pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding, and alcohol consumption: an analysis of framing and
completeness of information disseminated by alcohol industry–funded organizations. Journal of
Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 80 (5) 524-33.
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A comparison of two biological markers of recent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: implications for
the monitoring of interventions and strategies to reduce HCV transmission among people who inject
Hope, Vivian D and Harris, Ross J and Vickerman, Peter and Platt, Lucy and Shute, Justin and Cullen,
Katelyn J and Ijaz, Samreen and Mandal, Sema and Ncube, Fortune and Desai, Monica and Parry, John V
. (2018) A comparison of two biological markers of recent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection:
implications for the monitoring of interventions and strategies to reduce HCV transmission among
people who inject drugs. Euro Surveillance. Euro Surveillance, 23 (47)
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HIV and people who inject drugs. Monitoring implementation of the Dublin Declaration on partnership
to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia: 2018 progress report.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. [ECDC] HIV and people who inject drugs.
Monitoring implementation of the Dublin Declaration on partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and
Central Asia: 2018 progress report. Stockholm: ECDC. 34 p.
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Interventions for drug‐using offenders with co‐occurring mental health problems
Perry, Amanda E et al. (2019) Interventions for drug‐using offenders with co‐occurring mental health
problems. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (10)
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read more
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Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads: The health, safety and economic consequences of
alternative systems to manage the retail sale of alcohol.
Stockwell, Tim et al. (2019) Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads: The health, safety and
economic consequences of alternative systems to manage the retail sale of alcohol. British Columbia:
Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria. 82 p.
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Modelling the impact of alcohol duty policies since 2012 in England & Scotland.
Angus, Colin and Henney, Maddy . (2019) Modelling the impact of alcohol duty policies since 2012 in
England & Scotland. ScHARR, University of Sheffield. 36 p.
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Reconsidering the associations between self-reported alcohol use disorder and mental health problems
in the light of co-occurring addictions in young Swiss men.
Marmet, Simon and Studer, Joseph and Lemoine, Mélissa and Grazioli, Véronique S and Bertholet,
Nicolas and Gmel, Gerhard . (2019) Reconsidering the associations between self-reported alcohol use
disorder and mental health problems in the light of co-occurring addictions in young Swiss men. PLoS
ONE, 14 (9) [link removed]
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Resource consumption of multi-substance users in the emergency room: a neglected patient group.
Klenk, Laurence and von Rütte, Christina and Henssler, Jonathan F and Sauter, Thomas C and Hautz,
Wolf E and Exadaktylos, Aristomenis K and Müller, Martin . (2019) Resource consumption of
multi-substance users in the emergency room: a neglected patient group. PLoS ONE, 14 (9)
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The promotion of well-being among children exposed to intimate partner violence.
Latzman, Natasha E and Casanueva, Cecilia and Brinton, Julia and Forman‐Hoffman, Valerie L [Campbell
Systematic Reviews] . (2019) The promotion of well-being among children exposed to intimate partner
violence. London: The Campbell Collaboration. Campbell Systematic Reviews 50 p.
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Young people and gambling survey 2019. A research study among 11-16 year olds in Great Britain.
Gambling Commission. (2019) Young people and gambling survey 2019. A research study among 11-16 year
olds in Great Britain. Birmingham: Gambling Commission. 74 p.
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Gambling-related harms evidence review: scope.
Public Health England. (2019) Gambling-related harms evidence review: scope. London: Public Health
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Policies for tobacco and e-cigarette use: a survey of all higher education institutions and NHS
Trusts in England.
Blackwell, Anna K M and Kosīte, Daina and Marteau, Theresa M and Munafò, Marcus R . (2019) Policies
for tobacco and e-cigarette use: a survey of all higher education institutions and NHS Trusts in
England. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Early online, Accepted version (ntz192)
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See you in court: obstacles to enforcing the ban on electronic cigarette flavours and marketing in
Ollila, Eeva . (2019) See you in court: obstacles to enforcing the ban on electronic cigarette
flavours and marketing in Finland. Tobacco Control, Early online doi:
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Real‐time video counselling for smoking cessation.
Tzelepis, Flora et al. (2019) Real‐time video counselling for smoking cessation. London: John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (10)
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Exercise interventions for smoking cessation
Ussher, Michael H and Faulkner, Guy and Angus, Kathryn and Hartmann-Boyce, Jamie and Taylor, Adrian
H. (2019) Exercise interventions for smoking cessation. London: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, 10 [link removed] [
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'We have been given a car with no keys': Calls for medicinal cannabis programme to be expedited.
[Irish Examiner] Loughlin, Elaine (30 Oct 2019)
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Assistant Garda Commissioner defends force’s record on dealing with drugs.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] Clarke, Vivienne (30 Oct 2019)
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'Communities are being devastated': Campaigners call for local drugs Task Forces to be 'at the
heart' of national strategy.
[thejournal.ie] Thomas, Conal (30 Oct 2019)
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Surge in open drug use in Cork sparks call for more gardaí.
[Irish Examiner] English, Eoin (29 Oct 2019)
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Cocaine in Ireland: ‘The average consumer is a farmer, not a Dublin banker’.
[Irish Times] Gallagher, Conor (28 Oct 2019)
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Why drug crime is rising in Cork and Waterford.
[Irish Times] Roche, Barry (28 Oct 2019)
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Addiction support to be peer-run.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (26 Oct 2019)
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HSE drug testing plans fail to get Garda green light.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (25 Oct 2019)
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Harmful impact of binge drinking.
[Irish Examiner] Ó Fátharta, Conall (24 Oct 2019)
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Night cafe shelter sees record demand.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (24 Oct 2019)
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Majority of alcohol harm in Ireland arises from low- and moderate-risk drinkers prone to binge
drinking, study finds.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (24 Oct 2019)
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Figures reveal huge rise in number of children admitted to hospital over their drinking.
[Irish Examiner] (23 Oct 2019)
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Licencing system for sales of tobacco proposed; plans to ban e-cigs for under 18s.
[Irish Examiner] O'Cionnaith, Fiachra (22 Oct 2019)
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Minister for Health welcomes Government approval to draft a Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine
Inhaling Products) Bill.
[Department of Health] (22 Oct 2019)
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Gangs stealing scrap metal to fund drug deals, Government told.
[Irish Times] Horgan Jones (19 Oct 2019)
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Govt allocates €200k for new health diversion system for people caught with illegal drugs.
[Irish Examiner Breaking News] O'Keeffe, Cormac (17 Oct 2019)
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More than 2,000 inmates receiving methadone treatment.
[Irish Examiner] Baker, Noel (16 Oct 2019)
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Minister to seek approval on minimum pricing for alcohol.
[RTE News] Conneely, Ailbhe (16 Oct 2019)
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Local politicians express concern at 'cocaine epidemic' sweeping across parts of Limerick.
[Irish Examiner] Raleigh, David (16 Oct 2019)
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New laws to stop drug gangs using youngsters.
[Independent.ie] Feehan, Conor (15 Oct 2019)
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New 24-hour mental health information line launched to help people access services.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (13 Oct 2019)
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When ecstasy was dealt openly on the Dublin rave scene.
[Irish Times] Mullally, Una (13 Oct 2019)
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10% increase in numbers treated for addiction disorders.
[Irish Examiner] (11 Oct 2019)
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More than 9,785 people presented to hospital due to self-harm last year.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (10 Oct 2019)
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Children of people who abuse alcohol 3 times more likely to consider suicide.
[Irish Examiner] (10 Oct 2019)
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Alcohol Action Ireland and Mental Health Ireland are teaming up to tackle the harmful effects of
alcohol on our mental health.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (10 Oct 2019)
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'Codeine luring people into drug abuse’.
[Irish Examiner] Woulfe, Jimmy (09 Oct 2019)
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Two-thirds of drug drivers test positive for cannabis at roadside tests.
[thejournal.ie] Dwyer, Orla (07 Oct 2019)
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HSE: The younger children start to drink, the more likely they will take drugs.
[Irish Examiner] (04 Oct 2019)
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Decision on drug injection centre 'reprehensible', says MQI .
[RTE News] Kilraine, John (04 Oct 2019)
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Psychiatrist describes Medical Council views on benzodiazepines as 'utterly alarmist'.
[Irish Examiner] Shanahan, Catherine (04 Oct 2019)
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Warning issued about 'date-rape drug' in Cork that makes drinks taste salty.
[Irish Examiner] Dunphy, Liz (04 Oct 2019)
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Harris hits out at politicians trying to get him to meet vaping company reps.
[thejournal.ie] Finn, Christina (02 Oct 2019)
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'Huge rise' in drug use by people in emergency accommodation.
[RTE News] Kilraine, John (01 Oct 2019)
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Waiting time for homeless addiction programmes triples in two years.
[Irish Times] Bowers, Shauna (01 Oct 2019)
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'We're going to lose a generation': The cocaine epidemic in the west of Ireland and the garda
[thejournal.ie] MacNamee, Garreth (30 Sep 2019)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Questions on promised legislation. [
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] (24 Oct 2019)
Topical issues - National drugs strategy budget. [
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] (22 Oct 2019)
Questions - Legislative programme. [
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] (16 Oct 2019)
Financial Resolution No. 9: General (resumed). [
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] (10 Oct 2019)
Leaders questions [Vaping and drug prevalence]. [
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] (09 Oct 2019)
Joint Committee on Children and Youth Affairs debate - youth mental health: discussion (resumed). [
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] (09 Oct 2019)
Joint Committee on Health debate - Quarterly meeting on health issues: discussion. [
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] (02 Oct 2019)
Seanad Eireann debate - Crime policy: motion. [
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] (02 Oct 2019)
read more debates
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