From Accuracy in Media <[email protected]>
Subject John, Twitter is attacking us.
Date November 30, 2021 5:32 PM
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This morning, Twitter announced that it will update its policies on media publishing. The policies are designed to attack independent investigative journalism, like the work we do at Accuracy in Media.

Twitter has stated that they will take into account whether or not the media you and I publish is “covered by mainstream/traditional media” before determining if it should be removed.

You and I both know the mainstream media lies. The rest of us certainly shouldn’t be forced to follow their agenda.

While my team and I work through the potential effects this will have on our reach moving forward, I want to make it clear that your support is critical to our work. [[link removed]]

I certainly wasn’t planning on spending my Giving Tuesday morning writing an email quite like this. I wanted to write about our upcoming investigation on Critical Race Theory, the importance of supporting choice in our education system, and the plans we have for 2022.

However, the policies being enacted by Twitter’s new CEO are a direct attack on the work you and I are trying to do, and I must address them urgently. Twitter, for better or for worse, is one of the most affordable platforms for our investigations to be seen by people who aren’t familiar with our work.

This Giving Tuesday, your support of $5, $10, or even $25 will help ensure our groundbreaking investigations are seen in spite of Twitter’s recent attack. [[link removed]]

The Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Progressives are working together to ensure the truth of their Marxist agenda is hidden. You and I must fight back against this censorship. [[link removed]]

I have no doubt that you and I can overcome these challenges together.

In Liberty,

Adam Guillette


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