
If we’re going to Save the Senate, Hold the House, Flip the South and elect progressives in state and local elections all across the country in 2022, we at DFA need to hit every single fundraising goal we set.

That’s why our Giving Tuesday Goal of $22,000 is so crucial.

The work of fighting for change never ends, and we make sure your investment in progressive movement-building goes the distance.

Since our founding, DFA has elected 1,091 progressives nationwide, trained over 157,000 candidates, campaign staff, and volunteers, and made over 33 million voter contacts.

Every dollar you contribute goes further. Field operations and phone outreach are coordinated closely with campaigns so we can expand the footprint of each candidate by covering fresh ground. We don't waste resources duplicating work that's already been done and all data collected is shared directly with the campaign, providing them with the critical voter contact information they need to Get Out The Vote.

So although it may feel like the midterm elections are far off, we're now less than 100 days away from voters making their voices heard at polls in pivotal primary elections.

Watch our video talking about why tomorrow’s victories depend on the seeds we plant today and then help support bold progressives across the country with a grassroots contribution of $15 or more. Every dollar you chip in makes us more ready to win.

Each day that passes leaves us with a shorter window to get out the vote, especially for bold progressives taking on the corporate establishment that’s lost touch with the New American Majority.

If we’re going to help our endorsed candidates win by knocking on doors, phone banking, running TV and online ads, and so much more this spring and summer, we need to hit our fundraising goals like this one.

DFA isn't funded by Wall Street billionaires, corporate checks, or even institutional foundations. DFA is funded 100% by you. In fact, over 97% of contributions of the 70 million dollars we've raised for progressive candidates and causes in our 17 years have been less than $100 each.

Will you help us hit our Giving Tuesday goal by making a contribution before midnight tonight? Every dollar helps us elect progressive leaders across the country:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

DFA is committed to electing strong progressive leaders up and down the ballot. Your donations fuel our work and make a meaningful impact in critical races throughout the country.

Thank you for making DFA a part of your Giving Tuesday!

- Molly

Molly Goldberg
Development Manager
Democracy for America