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Top stories this week: 

The Proposed New York City Charter Changes Translated into Plain English (Literally)

Housing Advocates Plan Another Aggressive Push in Albany

Should the City’s Housing Plan Make NYCHA its Centerpiece?

Families of Rikers’ Inmates Say Closing Troubled Jail is Not Enough

The Proposed New York City Charter Changes Translated into Plain English (Literally)

Despite the chance to vote early, members of the charter commission, academics and community activists expect that these elections will see low turnout.

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Housing Advocates Plan Another Aggressive Push in Albany

After a landmark series of wins in 2019, groups advocating for low-income tenants and the homeless are looking to tighten rent-regulations further and create new paths from shelters to homes.

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Should the City’s Housing Plan Make NYCHA its Centerpiece?

Bill de Blasio’s housing plan, like every modern mayor’s, focuses on private apartments, not public housing. There’s a growing sense that saving NYCHA will require a different orientation—right now.

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Families of Rikers’ Inmates Say Closing Troubled Jail is Not Enough

‘The process is slow,’ said one mother, who’s son is being held at the infamous jail. ‘I have sat waiting in court for up to four hours only to be told at the last minute that the session is suspended.’ 

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Staten Island Beep Oddo Says Post-Sandy Planning Was a Failure

‘Mistakes were made early, they were made often, they were repeated, they were compounded.’

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Amid Bright Signs for NYC Families, Challenges Remain for Single-Parent Households

As the latest Census Data point to signs of progress for NYC’s families, policymakers must focus on single parents and their children, who continue to face economic hardship.

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HUD’s Proposed Rule is a Senseless Attack on Immigrants and a Waste of Funding

‘If Secretary Ben Carson gets his way, families with one or more undocumented members would be told they must leave or separate, despite the fact that such a policy makes neither fiscal nor rational sense.’

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Join City Limits for an evening that celebrates 43 years of producing reporting that empowers New York City's communities.

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Senior Program Officer

The Senior Program Officer will play a critical role in expanding Inclusiv’s impact by leading key programs and initiatives that expand financial inclusion in underserved communities with and through our community development credit union network. Reporting to the VP of Strategic Initiatives, the Senior Program Officer will oversee and grow existing programs and help shape new initiatives that seek to improve the financial health of low-income people.

At Inclusiv, we believe that true financial inclusion is a fundamental right. Our mission is to help low- and moderate-income people and communities achieve financial independence through credit unions. We dedicate ourselves to closing the gaps and removing barriers to financial opportunities for people living in distressed and underserved communities.
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Communications Officer

We seek a dynamic communications professional to execute our national marketing and communications strategy, and to engage and cultivate stakeholders among the media, a diverse practitioner field, and social impact investors. The Officer will be an excellent writer, effective at communicating clearly with diverse audiences and stakeholders across multiple channels.

At Inclusiv, we believe that true financial inclusion is a fundamental right. Our mission is to help low- and moderate-income people and communities achieve financial independence through credit unions. We dedicate ourselves to closing the gaps and removing barriers to financial opportunities for people living in distressed and underserved communities.
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Executive Vice President, Asset Management

The Executive Vice President (EVP) for Asset Management is responsible for leading NYCEDC's Asset Management Division and implements the overall strategy for a variety of assets across all five boroughs of New York City. The Asset Management division pursues a double-bottom line strategy, targeting not just economic returns but also multiple social metrics including but not limited to job creation and growing equitable neighborhoods.

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American Federation for Aging Research

Grant Associate

The American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) is a national non-profit organization based in New York that supports and advances pioneering biomedical research that is revolutionizing how we can live healthier and longer.

AFAR is seeking qualified applicants for the full-time administrative position of Grants Associate to provide financial, administrative and support services to designated Grant program staff, awardees, Principal Investigators, contractors and travel participants for the organization’s portfolio of grant programs.

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Our job board is full of positions in New York's public sector. Explore more jobs here.
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