Dear John,

Because there are only HOURS LEFT to DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT, I wanted to make sure you saw my earlier email.

Your gift before midnight tonight will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to a total of $50,000. Your support will go TWICE as far to provide lifesaving medical care to the working animals of Fez, Morocco.

But time is running out, so please take action now!

Thank you,
Dr. Gigi Kay

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gigi Kay [[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 6:01 AM

Subject: Your gift goes 2X as far today

Dear John,

Our need for help is URGENT and continues to grow in the wake of the persistent COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve had worried owners bringing their sick animals in every day — and the caseload seems to come in waves!

Please help us respond to the current wave of sick and injured animals today — on #GivingTuesday. Some are near death by the time they get to us and need emergency care.

Thankfully, our president, J. Robert Coleman, Jr., has established a $50,000 Challenge Match Fund. That means any gift you send today will be matched, dollar for dollar, and will DOUBLE in value — up to a total of $50,000!

Double My Gift Button

Every dollar you give will go twice as far to help save the 40-50 hospitalized animals, 10 intensive care cases, 30 inpatient and 10 outpatient animals we treat every day!

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Signature

Dr. Gigi Kay


P.S. Please don’t let animals suffer another minute. Make a gift that doubles right now!

Donate Now Button


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