Our fight is America's fight

Dear John,

It’s Giving Tuesday, a day to share some of our personal treasure with the causes that mean the most to us. As you make your gifts this year, we hope you’ll include Renew America among the causes you support.

Over the past year, your donations have enabled us to launch our one-of-a-kind movement, uniting Americans from all political backgrounds around our shared principles. Our nation’s future literally depends on all of us finding common ground again—and electing leaders in 2022 who are willing and able to work together on common-sense solutions to our many challenges.

That’s a tall order in today’s political environment, and we can’t do it without you. Your Giving Tuesday donation today will help us:

  • Support our Renewers in their critical midterm races.

  • Expose the Dividers and other candidates who embrace extremism and conspiracies. 

  • Push for pro-democracy electoral reforms to quash the chilling efforts to limit or overturn our votes.

  • Invest in smart reforms to the democratic process to increase competition and choice in our elections.

  • Keep bringing you the RAM programming you enjoy, like RAM Chats, The Topline, and more.

It’s time for us to step back from hyperpolarization and dysfunction, and step forward into a future where real leaders put country over party, and principles over personal gain. It’s time to renew America. With your help, we will.

With Gratitude,
Renew America Movement



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Stand Up Republic
700 Pennsylvania Ave SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States