In the year ahead, we must show the White House and Congress that they have a moral imperative to take stronger action, and the political space and support to do so.
J Street


A few weeks ago I traveled to Israel and Palestine with several Members of Congress and members of the J Street board -- my first trip since the pandemic began.

The headline from the trip for me was the striking parallels between the political battles we face both here and in Israel.

In both countries, broad coalitions are fighting to hold onto a just, free and democratic future. Fighting for a society in which all children grow up with equal rights and opportunity, and which lives up to our founding values of justice, equality and peace.

This Giving Tuesday, I want to outline why I’m hopeful you’ll consider making a contribution to that fight -- especially since one of our generous leaders, Arnie Richman, has pledged to double every donation made before midnight tonight.

Donate $18 (which becomes $36) >>

Donate $36 (which becomes $72) >>

Donate $54 (which becomes $108) >>

Donate another amount >>

Friends, when we were in Israel, every conversation about the new Bennett-Lapid government began with a sigh of relief that the Netanyahu era is over (Following the Trump presidency, I think we in the US can relate).

Yet we also saw, over and over, that members of the new government are constrained by the makeup of their coalition from taking the bold actions we might most like to see them take -- another all too familiar dynamic.

And we saw firsthand that despite the new government, the core threats to Israel’s democratic future and to the fundamental rights of Palestinians remain: The Bennett government is continuing to demolish Palestinian homes, evict Palestinian residents and build new settlements at a significant pace. The military occupation itself is deepening, not shrinking. The cycle of injustice, retaliation and violence continues to harm both peoples.

Perhaps even more concerningly for those of us in the United States, we’re still not seeing the Biden administration push back against these destructive steps to the extent necessary to deter them.

In the year ahead, our movement will be focused on making clear to the Biden administration and Congress that they have both an urgent moral imperative to take stronger action, and a significant degree of political space and support to do so.

Your contribution of any amount this Giving Tuesday will fuel that work >>

Trump and Netanyahu may be out of office, but the threats posed to democracy, equality and freedom in the countries we love are as urgent as ever.

Settlements, demolitions and deepening injustice continue to limit Palestinian freedoms and erode Israel’s democratic future. Just as in the US, the leaders of the radical, illiberal, anti-democratic right still lurk in the shadows, just a short distance from power.

We cannot be complacent. We can’t go ‘all in’ for a few months around an election campaign and then go home after election night assuming all will be well. We know that won’t work.

No, we need to stand up with pride and determination and fight strongly and strategically for the values at the core of our identity:

  • A commitment to social justice and equal rights for all;
  • A belief in the importance of democratic norms and institutions;
  • Determined opposition to the oppression and abuse of vulnerable minorities -- and an understanding that true democracy does not allow one privileged group to dominate all others;
  • Confidence in the power of diplomacy to resolve complex conflicts that will never be brought to an end by brute military force.

A decade ago, J Street was a feisty start up with a dozen staff and a very small budget. Today we’re an established player on the American Jewish and political landscape -- and the only player capable of fighting back against the influence of AIPAC and other right-wing groups seeking to speak for our community on Capitol Hill.

While some institutions and leaders in our community have hesitated to confront anti-democratic forces or oppose endless occupation, we’ve given voice to the views of the majority in our community. We haven’t hesitated to champion what we know to be right.

We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go to win the debate in our community over what it truly means to be pro-Israel and pro-peace; to ensure that American leaders act boldly and responsibly to promote peace; to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and end the occupation; to ensure the long-term health of liberal democracy in Israel and here at home.

To win these battles, we have to get bigger and we have to get stronger. That means rallying more people to our side. Mobilizing our community to take action. Fighting against apathy and complacency.

It means being organized and present in more communities, synagogues, and campuses, with more chapters, more staff and more activists. And it means building a bigger, stronger advocacy network capable of reaching decision-makers in Congress and the White House, and electing and reelecting champions for change next November and beyond.

Please take a moment to join that fight this Giving Tuesday with a matched contribution of any amount today >>

Donate $18 (which becomes $36) >>

Donate $36 (which becomes $72) >>

Donate $54 (which becomes $108) >>

When we rally together, I have no doubt that we have what it takes to win.

Happy Hanukkah, and happy holidays to you and yours,

Jeremy Ben-Ami
President, J Street



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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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