Dear RuralCo Members, Allies and Friends,
Today is Giving Tuesday, and we're writing to ask for your support.

As we reflect on the long year of 2021, we are grateful to each of you for what we have accomplished over the course of 43 years. We’ve worked diligently together to advance equity and a shared vision for climate-resilient agriculture and vibrant, rural economies.
In 2021, we learned as never before that our 50 member organizations —comprised of farmers, farmworkers, community leaders — are our technology. Our RC network — the trust and relationships among us —formed the infrastructure we depended on in this challenging year.  Together, we sought the resources our members needed to deliver life-saving food, vaccines, information, confidence and hope in over 100 of this nation’s most vulnerable and underserved communities.
In 2021, we also passionately advocated for policies to protect life and land and bring relief to communities and families who need us most. In 2022, with your support, Rural Coalition will continue working to ensure that our communities are seen and heard in the implementation of relief and recovery legislation and the upcoming Farm Bill.
Support the Rural Coalition this Giving Tuesday!

With Gratitude,

Lorette Picciano

Executive Director
On behalf of our Board and RC Team
Rural Coalition | 202-628-7160 | E-mail | Website
The Rural Coalition is a 501(c)3 organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.