John, right now is a very difficult time to be seeking asylum in the United States. As a lawyer at the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC), I’m reminded of this each day I start work and help my clients fight their cases. The need is great, but with your support we can help people who need protection.

Try to imagine fleeing your home to escape threats on your life only to be blocked at the U.S. border before you can reach your destination. Imagine being jailed just for asking for protection. Every day, I meet people who are experiencing this.

But you can help. Your donation to NIJC today, on Giving Tuesday, provides people seeking asylum and safety with legal services that help them have a safe and stable future in the United States. You can give now at:

I can assure you that your support makes a huge difference in the lives of asylum seekers and their families. The process to apply for asylum and protection is incredibly confusing, but with a lawyer by their side, people have a real chance to establish safe lives. During my more than 10 years at NIJC, I’ve seen hundreds of people win their cases and finally be free from the fear they experienced for so long. It is truly life-changing.

You can help reach the goal of providing 26 people with legal services that help them have a safe and stable future. Give now at:

Here’s how your donation helps people seeking asylum:

$50  – Pays for a secure phone call with a lawyer
$100 – Provides a legal consultation for a family seeking safety at the border
$300 – Files a request to free an LGBTQ+ asylum seeker from detention
$1,000 – Educates 10 unaccompanied immigrant children about their legal rights
$2,500 – Helps a volunteer lawyer represent a person seeking asylum

Give now to help reach the goal of providing 26 people seeking safety with life-changing legal services:

Thank you for protecting people seeking asylum!

Ashley Huebner
Associate Director of Legal Services, National Immigrant Justice Center

P.S. If you’re able to do a little more, become a monthly donor to NIJC and have an even greater and ongoing impact for asylum seekers! 


224 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 600  |  Chicago, Illinois  60604

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