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Happy Tuesday! Did you hear the news? Matthew McConaughey has decided NOT to run [[link removed]] for Governor of Texas, and Jack Dorsey has resigned from Twitter [[link removed]].
Did you catch the CaucusRoom Council Candidate Forum [[link removed]] last night? Make sure you vote [[link removed]]!
The Ghislaine Maxwell trial has begun [[link removed]], and James Comey's daughter is the prosecutor [[link removed]] in the case. It's crazy how this trial isn't being televised.
Jen Psaki says that when it comes to future mandates, 'nothing is off the table' [[link removed]].
Biden does not have any plans to visit the victims [[link removed]] of the Waukesha Christmas parade attack. Darrell Brooks Jr. has been charged with a sixth count [[link removed]]of 1st-degree intentional homicide. His next court appearance is on January 14th.
It looks like many parts of the Dem Spending Spree [[link removed]] will be on the Senate chopping block! I can think of lots of things that need cut!
Jury selection has begun in the Jussie Smollett hate-crime hoax trial [[link removed]]. The evidence is pretty clear that he set this up.
Thank you, Lynn B, for the funny caption [[link removed]]!
Your funny for the day! Are you ready for some Christmas Cheer [[link removed]]?
WOW! You all really love these shirts! Let's Go Brandon shirts [[link removed]] in the CaucusRoom Store. The last day to order for Christmas delivery is December 8th.
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