Presidential Elections Need Fixing

The Electoral College isn't a cute quirk or a harmless historic process that's old fashioned but meaningless.

The process we use is dangerous to our democracy and we need your help to create a National Popular Vote for President.
Twice this century and five times in our history, America has been lead by the 2nd place candidate. A credible democracy cannot keep elevating the trailing candidate and stay strong.

Moreover, even when the candidate with the most votes wins, we usually come dangerously close to electing the person in 2nd place. In 2004 for example, John Kerry only needed to flip 60,000 votes in Ohio to outpace Bush's national lead of over 3 million votes.

In 2020, Biden's 7-million vote margin was nearly overturned by 22,000 voters between Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia.

These near-miss elections, while one can argue they succeeded because the 1st place candidate won, promote lawsuits, recounts, uncertainty, and instability. The United States deserves better.

Thanks to supporters like you, we have already passed 16 states with 195 electoral votes. Your contribution will help us pursue the last handful of states needed to bring the National Popular Vote agreement into effect.

Dr. John R. Koza
Founder & Chair
National Popular Vote