Dear John,
What’s your breakfast plan for today? Did you already eat? What are you having?
For nearly 12 million kids in America — including kids in your own community — the question is not ‘what’s for breakfast?’ The question is ‘will there be breakfast?’
We can’t let a single child go hungry today, tomorrow, or any day in the future. But we need your help to reach hungry kids every day. And right now, your help will go 2x as far thanks to our generous leading partner Citi. Today only, Citi will match Giving Tuesday donations dollar-for-dollar, up to $200,000, to make YOUR gift go twice as far.
That means your generous gift will be DOUBLED to help get food to hungry kids in your community and across the country. But this match ends tonight at midnight. Please give now to double your impact.
When you support No Kid Hungry, you’re supporting school breakfast and other meals programs for kids living with hunger. You’re also supporting a nationwide team who work day in and day out to make sure kids don’t miss sorely needed meals.
John, every $10 you donate can help connect hungry kids with up to 100 meals.* But with the power of today’s 24-hour match, $10 could provide as many as 200 meals.
Take advantage of this incredible match from Citi now to make sure hungry kids have full bellies today and every day of the week.
Please give now, before the first school bell rings this morning.
Thank you for any gift you can make.

Diane Clifford Team No Kid Hungry
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1030 15th Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington DC xxxxxx
www.nokidhungry.org | [email protected] | Unsubscribe
Donations made through this page support Share Our Strength's entire mission and will not be designated to a specific campaign or location. Your gift will be used where it is needed most. Meal equivalency varies during COVID-19 relief. No Kid Hungry does not provide individual meals; your donations help support programs that feed kids. Learn more at NoKidHungry.org/OneDollar.