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October 31, 2019
Modern "plague doctors" enjoy undue privilege
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? In a decision that brings to mind the special treatment of medieval "plague doctors" – incompetent medical examiners hired by European towns to help control the epidemics of the Middle Ages – the Utah Supreme Court on September 9 rejected Callan Stone's lawsuit against a fraudulent "insurance medical examiner" without comment... (more)

October 31, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID ? Obama bureaucrats in the CIA are still stinging over President Trump's dramatic decision to both withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria and take down the leader of ISIS. The decision was a win-win, as the communist terrorist PKK/YPG Kurds in northern Syria were dealt a military defeat by Turkey, and the ISIS terrorist leader was sent to hell, as a result of U.S. military might and canine expertise.... (more)

October 31, 2019
House Dems adopt resolution that ignores due process and adopts Soviet-style rules without Republican votes
YOUTUBE ? House Democrats voted Tuesday to formalize their impeachment inquiry and adopt rules to govern the proceedings, following sustained complaints by congressional Republicans and the White House that the inquiry hasn't followed past precedent and violates the president's due process rights.... (more)

October 31, 2019
GREGG JARRETT ? Rep. Adam Schiff is a poor man's Harry Houdini. He is a cheap illusionist performing amateurish parlor tricks of deception in his quest to convince his audience that he possesses damning evidence of an impeachable offense committed by President Trump.... (more)

October 31, 2019
Obama spy had ties to Brennan, Rice, Biden
REAL CLEAR INVESTIGATIONS ? For a town that leaks like a sieve, Washington has done an astonishingly effective job keeping from the American public the name of the anonymous "whistleblower" who triggered impeachment proceedings against President Trump -- even though his identity is an open secret inside the Beltway.... (more)

October 31, 2019
Durham's criminal investigation now has subpoena power
WORLDNETDAILY ? Barack Obama's CIA director, John Brennan, is regarded by many as the architect of the now-debunked Trump-Russia collusion claim, and has accused President Trump of treason.... (more)

October 31, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Democrats and the "Trump-hating media" have changed the country to the point we cannot even celebrate the death of a vile enemy, ISIS founder Abu Akbar al-Baghdadi, as they spin it politically to serve themselves, Bill O'Reilly said Monday on Newsmax TV.... (more)

October 31, 2019
DAILY CALLER ? A mole inside Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Syrian compound was essential to taking down the terrorist, officials said. A well-placed informant who helped with al-Baghdadi's movements around Syria and oversaw construction in the Syrian safe house where the ISIS leader was found gave U.S. and Middle East-based officials information about his whereabouts. The mole, an ISIS defector, provided a room-by-room layout of the northern Syrian compound, a move that helped take down the leader, according to officials.... (more)

October 31, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Democratic politicians are abusing the impeachment inquiry process in their quest for more power, according to Dr. James Dobson, CBN reported Wednesday. "Over the last several weeks, we have witnessed the dark side of our political process in action," said Dobson, who is president and founder of the James Dobson Family Institute. "It is abundantly clear that certain politicians are more concerned with using the impeachment inquiry to score political points rather than to honor our constitutional system and seek the good of this nation."... (more)

October 31, 2019
52 percent oppose removing Trump
NEWSMAX ? Fifty-two percent of voters in six battleground states oppose impeaching President Donald Trump and removing him from office, according to a new poll by The New York Times Upshot and Siena College. Forty-four percent of the voters in those swing states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin back impeachment and removal.... (more)

October 30, 2019
Poll shows just 36% favor impeachment
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? There's no doubt Democrats in Washington are hellbent on impeaching President Trump over the Ukraine matter. But after weeks of polling, it is still unclear precisely what Americans outside the Beltway think.... (more)

October 30, 2019
Contradicts Vindman testimony
DAILY CALLER ? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo defended the way President Donald Trump handled his phone call with Ukraine's president as "appropriate." Speaking to Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum on Wednesday night's "The Story with Martha MacCallum," Pompeo also said he and his team were "incredibly focused" on "a couple of simple" goals regarding Ukraine strategy, which they've already succeeded in carrying out.... (more)

October 30, 2019
DAILY CALLER ? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell criticized the latest impeachment resolution introduced by House Democrats against President Donald Trump. "They have denied President Trump basic due process and are cutting his counsel out of the process in an unprecedented way," McConnell said Wednesday, according to The Hill. "House Democrats new resolution does not change any of that."... (more)

October 30, 2019
LAW & CRIME ? Renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden has provided Law&Crime with an exclusive, never-before-seen photograph from the autopsy of dead sex offender and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.... (more)

October 30, 2019
PJ MEDIA ? On Monday evening, Sabo, the conservative street artist who is mostly known for his street posters that randomly pop up in California, reported on his Facebook page that he has now been kicked off of PayPal. "Today Paypal canceled my account with all of my money in it," he announced. "They are holding my funds for the next 6 months."... (more)

October 30, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democratic presidential hopeful, said she is running for the White House in an effort to "undo Hillary Clinton's failed legacy." The congresswoman from Hawaii made her comments in a column posted by The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday night.... (more)

October 28, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? A CNN commentator and former aide to President Bill Clinton is being scorched for suggesting former President Ronald Reagan was a "sinner" because his presidential library was threatened by a California wildfire Wednesday.... (more)

October 28, 2019
Trump watched live link / See Sen. Lindsey Graham's praise
DAILY MAIL ? It was shortly after midnight in the remote village of Barisha that residents heard a familiar noise coming from above. The whir of rotor blades in the darkness signalled something was coming, something military -- which, in these parts, usually brings death. Sure enough, within minutes the sound of bullets piercing the air followed.... (more)

October 28, 2019
WASHINGTON TIMES ? In an impeachment trial in the Senate, President Trump would look up to see one of his Washington establishment foes, Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., presiding over the historic proceedings from the dais in the upper chamber.... (more)

October 28, 2019
Refutes rigged Gallup poll
WORLDNETDAILY ? A new poll found 52% of Americans consider the Democrats' impeachment investigation of President Trump a "political stunt." The McLaughlin poll, the Gateway Pundit reported, also indicated 47% believe the president should not cooperate and 59% say it's just a waste of time and the Democrats "need to work with Republicans to solve the nation's problems."... (more)

October 28, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? The New York Times may have just backed up a key Trump administration talking point on Ukraine, ironically while trying to bury the president. Democrats in Washington are busy pushing closed-door impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump based on the unproven allegation that he used foreign aid as a bargaining chip during a July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.... (more)

October 27, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Kanye West dropped his long-awaited album "Jesus is King" on Friday, but for those who have been curious about his transformation as a Christian, an interview in which he revealed his addiction to pornography and his request that his employees from engaging in premarital sex during work on the album may have been the most interesting news out of camp Kanye for the week.... (more)

October 27, 2019
PAUL BEDARD ? President Trump has ratcheted up his claim that the Obama White House spied on his 2016 campaign, charging in a new book that it was a "treasonous" act by the former Democratic president.... (more)

October 27, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? Representatives Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) and Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.) criticized the Justice Department late Thursday after the DOJ upgraded its inquiry into the origins of the Russia probe into a criminal investigation.... (more)

October 27, 2019
JUDICIAL WATCH ? DOD records obtained by Judicial Watch contain the first official documentation that the Obama administration knew that weapons were being shipped from the Port of Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria.... (more)

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