
I’m writing to you after a call with my fundraising team. Unfortunately, we are looking at a very troubling shortfall this month – and we’re running out of time to turn things around before Tuesday’s end-of-month deadline.

Forgive my concern, but I can’t help but be worried with the Senate split 50-50. We’re holding on to control of the chamber by a single thread. Republicans just notched an upset victory in Virginia’s gubernatorial race and came within mere points of flipping New Jersey red, too. Simply put, we can’t take any seat in any state for granted.

The only way we can protect and expand Democratic Senate control is by setting and hitting ambitious fundraising goals. If we don’t come through, Senate control will fall back into the hands of Mitch McConnell.

So I have to ask you directly, Friend: If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to invest in this must-win Senate race, it’s now. Please, will you donate now to keep this seat blue and protect Democratic control of the Senate?

I hope you’ll allow me a moment to explain what’s at stake.

Sadly, the Republican Party has transformed itself into an organism that is beholden to one thing only: the twice-impeached, disgraced former president, Donald Trump. Trump has a complete and total hold over the party – and their overwhelming submission to his will is why a Republican-controlled Senate is so dangerous. Right now, Republican members of Congress are being linked to aiding the violent insurrectionists that attacked our Capitol. Some are even openly praising those who attacked our democracy. Funds raised by the Republican National Committee are being spent openly to cover Donald Trump’s legal fees!

Just as bad, Republicans are defending Donald Trump’s attempts to weaponize the Department of Justice to overturn the election results. The only way we are able to hold Trump and his accomplices accountable is by keeping control of the Senate. If we lose, the chaos, obstruction, and attacks on our democracy that marked Trump’s presidency could return.

I know this sounds dire, but as someone who witnessed the constant wrongdoing of Donald Trump up close and personal, I just cannot overstate the reality we're facing. It’s why, when it comes to defending this Senate seat and Democratic control of the Senate, we can’t leave a single dollar on the table. That’s why I must again ask for your help to ensure Mitch McConnell does not win back control.

Please, will you make a contribution of $5 or more – whatever you can spare to help me make up this fundraising shortfall – to ensure we have the resources to fight GOP attacks and protect this Senate seat?

Thank you for your support.


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