We need to get ready now.
The 2022 midterm primaries are on June 7 — that’s just six months away.
Alexandria’s general re-election campaign was the second-most expensive congressional race in last year’s midterms. And now with the news of a Democrat jumping in to run against her next year, and with redistricting in play, we could be looking at another real fight.
We need to do everything we can right now to prepare — that means hitting every single fundraising target we set from now until June.
We need to reach 25,000 contributions before tomorrow’s deadline to ensure we’re on track to hit this month’s fundraising targets. Can you make a $3 contribution — or anything you can afford — to ensure we have the resources to send Alexandria back to Congress?
Contribute $3
A Democrat just registered to run against Alexandria in the upcoming midterm elections. But, that isn’t the only thing we need to prepare for. Alexandria’s 2020 Republican opponent raised over $10 million against our movement from corporate interests and wealthy, conservative donors.
Now the same forces are coming together to try and defeat Alexandria and our movement in 2022, with three Republicans in the running so far. In just the last few months alone, they’ve already raised a cumulative $174,249 for their campaigns.
And, we don’t know what resources this Democrat challenger has to put up against us in 2022.
The midterms are just around the corner, so we need to do everything we can right now to prepare.
Make a $3 contribution — or anything you can afford — today to get us to the 25,000 contributions we need before tomorrow to ensure our movement has the resources to compete and win in 2022 »
Contribute $3
Thank you,
Team AOC