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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 1 November


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Latest from the NSS


Compulsory RE mustn’t indoctrinate, says European Court of Human Rights

The European Court of Human Rights has said RE curricula must be conveyed in an "objective" manner after a successful NSS intervention.


Secularism in the media


Anti-choice groups target SDLP over abortion move

Anti-choice groups in Northern Ireland are targeting the SDLP for the party's refusal to prevent the legalisation of abortion in NI.

The Irish Catholic


Warwickshire vicar admits child porn charges

A vicar had 400 indecent images of children in a hidden gallery on his mobile phone, a court heard.



Attempted prosecution over man praying outside abortion clinic collapses

The country's first arrest and prosecution for praying in public has collapsed.

The Telegraph


Senior rabbi urges congregants to vote tactically against Labour

Rabbi Jonathan Romain has intervened in the general election campaign.

The Jewish Chronicle


Sectarian chanting could lead to football match abandonments in Scotland

Sectarian and racist chanting at football matches in Scotland could lead to games being abandoned if the game's world governing body gets its way.



‘The war on African women is supported by foreign activists, with no regard for our lives’

Olutimehin Adegbeye says religious groups are limiting access to sexual and reproductive services – and this needs to end.



Macron condemns those who use secularism to 'sow hatred and division'

Religion is once again at the forefront of public debate in France.



Judge suspends publication of book about clerical child abuse in Colombia

Judges in northwest Colombia suspended the pending publication of a book about clerical child abuse in the country and threatened to take legal action against the journalist.

Colombia Reports


Christians want Belgian opera’s naked Joan of Arc banned

A Christian association is trying to prevent a Brussels opera house La Monnaie from staging a production in which the heroine appears dressed in men's clothes and, at one point, naked.

New York Post


Amsterdam refuses mosque’s request for loudspeaker call to prayer

Amsterdam has rejected a plan by a prominent mosque to become the first in the city to broadcast its call to prayer over loudspeakers, on the grounds that it's unnecessary in a world of mobile apps.

The Irish Times


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