Fellow Patriot, 

Because of the disaster of the Biden Presidency and corrupt, incompetent leadership among the Democrats around the country, there’s a strong possibility that Republicans will retake the majority in Congress in the next election.

But what’s the point of retaking the majority if it includes people like my opponent in Michigan’s 3rd District, “Republican” Representative Peter Meijer. In his just his first term in Congress he has:

In his short year in Congress, Peter Meijer has voted with Nancy Pelosi more than almost any other Republican.

Is that really who we as part of a “Republican” majority? 

That’s why I’m challenging Peter Meijer in the Republican Primary. Help me defeat him with a contribution today at https://tom.gop/donate

Who am I?

I grew up here in the district; my family still owns the farm where we raised livestock and grew crops.

After I served in combat in Afghanistan as part of my Michigan Army National Guard unit, I decided to settle in Sand Lake and start a family. We now reside in Ada where my wife and I are the proud parents of two girls and a boy.

I’ve started several local businesses where I created jobs for other Michiganders, and I have also served as the Sand Lake village president.

I believe in giving back and that’s why I co-founded the West Michigan Veterans Ranch. We focus on preventing suicides among our nation’s warriors who’ve returned from combat and to help them find a new purpose in civilian life.

I’m also the leader of the Michigan Conservative Union and have fought to elect conservative, America First patriots to office here in Michigan.

And I’m honored to be endorsed in this race by General Michael Flynn.

But I need your help. And that’s why I’m writing you today.

Peter Meijer comes from a wealthy family worth billions of dollars.  And while he will surely outspend me, I don’t need to outspend him to win, I just need to outwork him, and I promise I will.

However, I still need your financial support to be able to mount a credible campaign. I am not a wealthy man by any means. I’m reaching into my own savings to put $100,000 of my own money into this campaign. That’s how much the future of our country means to me. I know it means as much to you.

Please donate online at https://tom.gop/donate.

While you may not be from this district or state, remember that Peter Meijer’s vote in congress has the same impact on you and your family’s life as your own representative’s vote.

So please, give what you can to make sure our new Republican Majority is actually Republican at https://tom.gop/donate.



Tom Norton
Republican Candidate for Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District