Donald Trump just attacked our elections again, repeating his Big Lie — and he specifically called out Pennsylvania.

This isn’t just a tweet John, this is a real attack on our democracy. We need you right now — can you click here to chip in $10 now to fight back? →

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

“The Fake News Media cannot stand the fact that so many people in our Country know the truth, that the 2020 Election was rigged and stolen … they cannot argue that facts in states including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, and others such as New Mexico, where the Democrat Secretary of State changed the voting laws…”

John, this latest claim from Donald Trump is just a repackaged version of his Big Lie. We’ve already had this debate in court. In fact, we had it dozens of times — and I won.

The facts and evidence are clear: there was no widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. There was no “rigged” election. The election was safe and secure, and when all the votes were counted, Donald Trump lost – fair and square.

And the law that Trump claims was changed to influence the election? Pennsylvania’s vote-by-mail law that passed with Republican support.

I’ve prosecuted real voter fraud before, but there is no evidence of widespread fraud in last year’s election. Trump's warning of a "rigged" election is dangerous and wrong. I’ll continue to defend the right to vote, because it’s the backbone of democracy.

This fight has been going on for over a year now, and there’s no sign Trump or his Republican enablers will back down. We need to keep up the fight if we’re going to defend democracy in 2022 and beyond. Can you chip in $10 or $20 today to help protect the right to vote and our future elections?


An election isn’t “rigged” just because you don’t win, but Donald Trump doesn’t seem to get that.

Some Republicans in our state legislature are parroting Trump’s Big Lie and actively working to undermine our democracy , just because they want Trump’s support in their own elections.

I’ve said it before: I deal with facts and evidence — and the truth is, there was just no evidence of widespread fraud during the 2020 election.

We need to remind Trump and his enablers here in Pennsylvania of the truth. But we also have to make sure Pennsylvanians know our elections are safe and secure before our 2022 elections.

We’re less than a year away from our next election. While it may sound far, that’s not much time to defend our democracy against the constant attacks from Trump and his enablers.

So can you step up today and kick in $10 or $20 to help fight back against Trump’s Big Lie?



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PO Box 22635
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