anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Friday, November 1st, 2019

Maintaining Eye Health Is a Better Approach Than Waiting for Detection of Irreversible Disease

Article by Bill Sardi.

Killing Julian Assange: Justice Denied When Exposing Official Wrongdoing

Article by Philip Giraldi.

Psychopaths and Power

Article by Caitlin Johnstone.

The Brutal Crackdown in Catalonia

The Spanish state’s repression of protests is pouring gasoline on the separatist fire, says William McGee.

He’s a One-Man Ukrainian Lobby!

Article by Ann Coulter.

Foreign Aid Makes Corrupt Countries More Corrupt

Article by James Bovard.

Edward Snowden: How Your Cell Phone Spies on You


Did Famed Attorney / LBJ Friend Percy Foreman Blackmail Jimmy Carter?

Article by Phillip F. Nelson.

A(nother) Warning

Article by Brian Wilson.

The Political Parties and the Media Have Abandoned the Working ‘Middle Class’

Article by Charles Hugh Smith.

Vaxxed2 Documentary Producers Release Devastating Information About America’s Hidden Vaccine Injury Epidemic: “A War Zone” of Dead Children

Article by Mike Adams.

Communications Are Down in Parts of California: Radio, TV, Internet, Cell Towers

Fall Victim to PG&E Blackouts As Wildfires Rage. Article by Dagny Taggart.

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