From Tiffanie Luckett, National Immigration Law Center <>
Subject Join us tomorrow on Giving Tuesday
Date November 29, 2021 8:04 PM
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The holiday season is just around the corner

Dear Friend,

The holiday season is just around the corner, and we invite you to kick it off
with us tomorrow on Giving Tuesday by helping NILC meet our goal of raising
$50,000 to fund our mission to defend and advance the rights of low-income
immigrants and their families!

Why wait? Make a gift today. [[link removed]]Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back, and you’ll have the chance to
join people around the world in supporting causes you care about. Tomorrow we
will share 3 ways you can help NILC get one step closer to creating a stronger
and more equitable future for immigrant communities.

Spread the word and stay tuned for more details!

Tiffanie Luckett
Senior Officer, Individual Giving

P.S. Don’t forget, your donation could be doubled or even tripled with a
matching gift from your employer. Visit www. [[link removed]] [[link removed]] for more details.

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