I'm a proud Special Olympics athlete. And I love it. But if I am being honest, the last two years have been really hard.
That’s why I’m so excited for 2022! I know next year can be the best year ever for Special Olympics — athletes are ready, and now all we need is you.
It’s Giving Week, and Special Olympics is matching all gifts for a limited time: This is such a powerful chance to DOUBLE your impact! Your gift funds TWICE the equipment, training, and health screenings for athletes like me, so can you please help?

This Giving Week match is more important than ever, .
So many of the friends I have made through Special Olympics haven’t been around during the last 18 months. But I know they are ready to get back onto the field!
For that to happen, we need you! Supporters like you help pay for our equipment, health care services, and so much more. And for just a little while longer, your gift can go twice as far! Athletes like me are ready for 2022 to be our best year yet — we just need your help to make that possible.
Please, donate $25 today and your gift becomes
$50 with this limited Giving Week match! We can do this!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your support. You have no idea how much it means to me, and so many more Special Olympics athletes.
Thanks for believing in us.

Novie Craven
Special Olympics D.C. Athlete and Coordinator at Special Olympics