From American Majority <[email protected]>
Subject Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday!
Date November 29, 2021 4:29 PM
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** One More Day until
Giving Tuesday!
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Thank you for caring about the future of America! We need more patriots like you who are determined to be involved in their communities and see America-First candidates elected into office at every level.

As we approach Giving Tuesday this November 30th, we are hoping to raise $5,000 by the end of the day. With this sum, we will be able to train 20 America-First candidates to run for offices across this country.

It is because of people like you who care about the work we are doing that we have been equipped to train nearly 60,000 people since 2008 and with your continued support, we will be able to train far more!
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Have you entered our giveaway yet? If you've been wanting to read either of Ned's books but haven't had the chance then this is your opportunity! Follow the link below to enter - giveaway ends at 11:59pm on November 30th!
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