Advent Daily Reflections Header
Monday of the First Week of Advent
Readings of the Day
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A centurion, a man of authority, asks Jesus to heal his servant.
He knows that Jesus needs to only "say the word and my servant
will be healed." Jesus healed the servant at the
request of the centurion. If the centurion hadn't asked -
if he hadn't advocated on behalf of someone else - the servant
would have remained sick. He would have remained paralyzed.
In our work, we each hold some position of authority. We can
sign off on going over the set limit to pay a single mom's
electric bill, or we might have the authority to sign off on the
release of millions of dollars to build new homes for the
homeless. We can advocate, in big ways and small ways, for those
who need our support. In that way we are like the centurion,
able to get things done.
But the sentence that really stood out to me was: "When Jesus
heard this, he was amazed." Consider for a minute what it would
take to amaze Jesus. The deep humility and even deeper respect
and trust in Jesus that the centurion displayed amazed Jesus.
Do I bring my clients, my job, my family and friends, and myself to
Jesus in prayer? Not just prayer, but a humble, respectful,
total trust in Jesus kind of prayer. Do I ever amaze Jesus with
my faith?
My goal for this Advent - my goal to prepare myself for the Coming of
the Christ Child - is to work on being centurion-like in action and in
Chris Austgen, is the Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry at Mary
Queen Catholic Church in Friendswood, Texas. She is also on the
CCUSA Parish Social Ministry Leadership Team.
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