Fellow Conservative, My name is Tom Barrett, and you may have never heard of me. But let me tell you something: The Anti-American “elites” in the Democratic Party feel threatened by me. Like you, I’m a God-fearing American Patriot who supports these basic tenets of the Constitution: The rule of law, appropriate punishment for criminals, secure borders, and fair and free elections But what makes me so special? I refuse to stand idle while dangerous leftists like Rashida Tlaib and other members of the so-called “Squad” in Congress abolish federal prisons, dissolve national borders, push for debt-increasing Socialist spending sprees, and appease terror groups in the Middle East. These progressive antisemitic liberals in Congress are trying to tear down everything that Americans like you and me have fought for. And they’re going to be successful if we don’t stop them, NOW. Right now, the Democrats are plotting to take me out. They’re giving my opponent millions in dark money, creating false narratives about me, and lying to voters like you, Fellow Conservative. So let me set the record straight, here and now:
But there’s a sad truth… I’m TERRIBLY behind on my fundraising goal. If we don’t reach our goal by MIDNIGHT, America will be LOST If you want to see a proud Patriot and Army Vet take the House by storm next year, will you consider chipping in just $9? I promise to always keep your interests at heart if I’m elected, Fellow Conservative. If you want to see Nancy Pelosi and the “Squad” take this country down a dark path, do nothing. But if you want to see Republicans win BIG in 2022 and secure a safer future for America, donate now! The stakes have never been higher, Fellow Conservative. We’re counting on you! Thanks for all you do, -Tom Barrett - Republican Candidate
PO BOX 15221