Hi, we just wanted to make sure you heard the news: our special Giving Week match was so popular last year that we’re opening it a day early this year!
Don’t wait — make your matched gift today to DOUBLE your impact and help us grow our community of people with intellectual disabilities (ID).

Together, we’ll help change the lives of millions of people with ID around the world.
Thanks for being on our team!
— Special Olympics
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Wow — our Giving Week MATCH was in such high demand that we're opening it up a day early this year!
This is happening RIGHT NOW: Make a MATCHED donation today to help twice as many people with intellectual disabilities (ID) get off the sidelines and discover the power of their potential >>

The support you provide to Special Olympics during this Giving Week MATCH will help in so many ways:
- You can get athletes off the sidelines and onto the field, which is more important than ever after the struggles of the last two years >>
- You’ll help build a community for people with ID, their families, and their loved ones — changing the lives of everyone involved, not just athletes >>
- You’ll help provide life-changing health services and educational opportunities for people with ID >>
Your support makes a real difference — especially when your gift is matched and goes twice as far this week!
Double your impact and donate today to help inspire athletes around the world!

Thanks for your support! We’re so grateful.
Kelli Seely
Chief Marketing, Communications and Development Officer
Special Olympics
Your support helps Special Olympics:
Reach MILLIONS of athletes around the world, build a community of people
with intellectual disabilities (ID), offer access to health care services, and so
much more!
For a limited time during Giving Week, your gift will be matched, DOUBLING
your impact as we change millions of lives. Don’t miss out. Make a matched gift today!