Did you know that socialists and communists had a HUGE amount of influence over the union movement when it was strong? The reason FDR did so much good was because the labor movement, led by socialists and communists, pushed him to. The attack on FDR-created policy and on socialism and communism themselves began as soon as FDR left office.
Truman, who felt totally unprepared to be president, relied on his corporate advisers to guide him, which led to the second red scare and the McCarthy hearings and the rise of the military industrial complex, which Eisenhower found difficult to control and which likely assassinated JFK.
Today the union movement has been decimated, not only by jobs shipped to Mexico and other countries, but by corrupt union leadership which now works WITH the employer class instead of working for workers against the employer class. Unions largely support the Democrat party, not pro-worker policy.
There is precious little education about socialism in this country, we have schools teaching economics without even mentioning Marxism and which no longer teach civics. Unless you look underground, as in alternative media sources, the only real information you will hear about socialism is MISinformation from right wing sources.
Socialist and communist policy is pro-worker policy. We want you to be a co-owner where you work, and not an employee which only receives a small percentage of the value of their work so that the owner/employer can profit from your labor. We want you to receive the full value of what you produce, whatever that is, and we want to democratize the workforce.
Our country today spends unlimited amounts of money on endless war, on corporate subsidies and bail-outs and gives billions of dollars to other countries, but then tells its working families that they're on their own for healthcare, for college education, for food and for rent, even after the government forced workers to stay home for a year and not earn anything.
All the things the right says about socialism are true now, of the current system. Our economy is driving millions of people to destitution now, we are losing freedoms and rights now, we are increasingly surveilled and police funding is more than most countries spend on their militaries. We need to prioritize workers and their families. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it.
For almost 100 years now, whenever the government does something to help people the right screams "socialism!" It's high time the answer to that was "Damn right!"
Why did the US vote NOT to combat the glorification of Nazism at the UN? Because it believes combating the glorification of Nazism is "a Russian disinformation campaign" against it's neighbors. Which neighbors? Ukraine, where the US and NATO have been training and supporting Nazis since the Obama Administration couped Yanukovych and installed Poroshenko. The Obama, Trump and Biden Administrations have all supported Nazis in Ukraine. But this shouldn't be any surprise at all because American foreign policyis mainly support of violent right wing authoritarian governments or opposition groups.
Venezuela and Nicaragua both recently held elections in which socialists again did exceedingly well. The electoral system in both countries is more free and more fair than US elections, which have been gerrymandered, vote suppressed, media manipulated. The US government does not want people in the United States to know that socialism works and people like it, but it does and they do. Biden has even banned President Ortega and other officials from coming to the US because they do not want the truth to be told. There IS a right wing narcostate that's not far from both of these countries, where the brutal dictator has had protesters killed and rigs elections to retain power. It's Colombia, and the US supports it.
Congressman Mike Thompson frequently says "We have to do everything we can to combat climate change", but continues to vote in favor of expanding the #1 polluter in the world- the US military. And unfortunately none of the organizations in our district whose sole purpose is to fight against climate change or for the environment will criticize him for this, because they're all run by Democrats who put party politics before the issues. This is what cronyism looks like. It's a damned shame! When half-assed solutions are offered by politicians, the failure of climate groups to decry these offerings as not enough ensures that many people, not just their members, fail to comprehend that the greatest threat to our country and the world is not being satisfactorily responded to by our government.
Thank you to the Napa Register for printing my letter: "So much of the funding that goes to schools to educate our kids actually goes to inflated administrator salaries. I'm sure that's not news to a lot of folks, but this is Ronald Kraft, the president of Napa College. He makes over $320,000 per year.

For what? What does he do? He isn't teaching classes, but a lot of the teachers at Napa College make less than $60,000 per year. The same for the administration staff. The Board of Trustees, of which Kraft is an employee, seem to decide the policies.

I went to Napa College for a few years, and have revisited the campus several times, and I have no idea what this man does. The only thing I can think of is drinking wine with other rich people and trying to talk them into public-private partnerships that extract money from the school and profit the rich -- this is a form of privatization that I have personally heard some trustees push as good policy.

This man gets paid five times what some of the educators and administrators make. Do you think that drinking wine with wine country oligarchs like Kathryn Hall, thrower of wine cave fundraisers, is five times as hard as being a teacher at the junior college level?

This man's salary is extracted from the teachers, who work a hell of a lot harder than he does. And to carry it farther, his salary is being extracted from our community, because satisfied teachers that feel appreciated and valued make better teachers."

The inflation we are seeing is artificially created to not only make stock holders richer, but to convince people that the crumbs the government has tossed people to survive on have created a scarcity of dollars, which is ludicrous to say when you're the one that decides how many dollars to print. The government hasn't done close to enough, but the politicians will point to the inflation their donors created as why they're going to continue to deprive us of healthcare or refuse to help those facing eviction.
Engineers at Kaiser Vallejo are entering their eleventh week on strike. The UHW and the nurse's union came out in solidarity. Click the image to see a short video of UHW dancing in the street.
Speaking of Vallejo, a couple weeks ago I demanded an update on the investigation into the badge bending kill cult that exists inside of the Vallejo Police Department. Two minutes wasn't enough, so here are my comments in their entirety:
"Like so many of my brothers & sisters in Vallejo, I want to know what's going on with the investigation into the badge bending rituals performed by several officers in the VPD.
The investigation was launched in August 2020 by Chief Williams, who hired a former Sonoma County Sheriff, who civil rights attorney Izaak Schweiger characterized as "a career-long apologist for police misconduct". This after firing Capt. Whitney allegedly for revealing the badge bending cult and pushing for an investigation.
In May the investigator still hadn't interviewed all of the witnesses. But in July a Vallejo city attorney told a Solano County Superior Court judge that "the underlying investigation is close to being done" and that a final report should be done by mid-September. So where is it, two months later?
The "independent" investigator is still saying he hasn't had a chance to interview everybody. Why not? Is he investigating criminal misconduct or a noise disturbance? This doesn't appear to be getting taken seriously by the former Sheriff or by this city, which has spent thousands of dollars on media consultants and PR firms. When the city asked the state attorney General for help, it asked for PR help, not an independent investigation. The city is even trying to reverse a judge's orders to turn over materials relating to Officer Komoda, even under a protective order. According to the city's filing: "It is a personnel investigation and should remain confidential indefinitely."
I understand wanting to protect your employees until they are proven guilty, but this city has gone to lengths to cover up crimes, cover up cold-blooded murder committed by officers sworn to protect us. This city's been so afraid of the bad optics of these murders that it appears to have overlooked the bad optics of hiring PR firms and lawyers to cover them up.
The people of Vallejo deserve transparency on this. We deserve to see murderers held accountable instead of protected by the department itself, stalling every investigation for more than a year on purpose, so that the Peace Officer's Bill of Rights kicks in to shield them. We MUST have accountability and transparency so that healing can begin and trust can be re-built."
As if we needed more reasons to stay away from fast food (I don't), Mollye Barrows of the show America's Lawyer, which is one of the most interesting shows on TV, shares information about a study of chemicals in fast food items. Are we eating plastic?
The lamestream media is reporting that Tigray is resisting an oppressive Ethiopian regime. The truth is far more sinister. The TPLA is the ousted regime, trying to overthrow the Ethiopian government and regain power, with the backing of the US which has been backing the TPLF for more than 20 years. This is another US-backed coup happening before the world's eyes.
Thanks for printing my letter Vallejo Times-Herald: "Let me begin by saying I am fully vaxed and boosted. I am not anti-vax. I am pro-vax. I am asking people to please stop politicizing science, which discredits science itself.
You should absolutely get vaccinated, but mandates deprive people of the freedom to make their own personal health choices, and are political by definition. Whenever you take away freedoms, there are going to be protests and you will drive people underground who you could have reached with education, but now you’ve lost that chance. You have created division, even after years of calling for unity. You cannot put mandates in place and claim that it is the other people who are making it political by not complying.
If you’re worried, get vaccinated. If you’re vaccinated and still worried, then you must acknowledge why a mandate is not justified. Get vaccinated to minimize your symptoms when you get the virus.
According to the World Health Organization, COVID-19 won’t be eradicated, which means we’re all going to get it. It’s likely going to be around forever, just like the cold and the flu."
https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/longevity/571155-covid-19-wont-be-eradicated-who )
It doesn't matter what political affiliation, US leaders are just fine with genocide as long as there is profit for their donors in it. This is disgraceful. The US is continuing to support the Saudi genocide of Yemenis, despite Joe Biden's deceptive promise to end that support.
Congressman Mike Thompson is not fighting for higher wages, he's not fighting to avoid an eviction crisis, he's not fighting for stronger unions, he's not even fighting for stronger healthcare. And his climate plan is weak tax incentives. He's actually controlled opposition to all of these things- saying nice things but failing to act in any substantial way.
Mike Thompson needs to go! Let's join together and make this his last term in office, and replace him with a member of a movement. Let me know if you're willing to donate your time to passing out postcards and if you're willing to donate a few dollars to paying for postcards and gas, you can do so at the PalPay link below.

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