From Team Yang <[email protected]>
Subject A little goes a long way
Date October 31, 2019 11:24 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

We only have a few more hours to hit our goal of $1.5 million. We still
have $83,975 to go. [ [link removed] ]Can you contribute now so we can hit our goal by

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately:

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Reaching our October end-of-month goal will allow us to invest in more
outreach to voters in the early primary states. And because we are less
than 100 days from the first primary, we need to push now.

If we reach our goal tonight, we have something special planned for the
Yang Gang -- but we need you to pitch in now so we can unlock the

[ [link removed] ]Pitch In

Let’s do this,

Team Yang

We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can
close the fundraising gap we face, just grassroots
donors like you powering this campaign. Please give

[ [link removed] ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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