All the experts right now are predicting that Wisconsin is going to be the most important state in the 2020 election. That's why we're asking you to pitch in to help us canvass the state.
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Trump is doubling his field organization in the state, so we need to stomp our foot on the gas pedal. I want to knock on 50,000 doors by November 3rd in communities Trump needs to do well in to win. Let's put him on the defensive heading into the election.
We still need donors to help fund our 1Year2Win program. Can you make a contribution before midnight tonight to help get Democratic volunteers on the ground?
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Republicans thought they turned the state red in 2016, and the only way we proved them wrong in 2018 was by having a better field organizing plan. They're going to try everything they can to win in 2020, so our efforts need to be even more advanced.
Your donation to the 1Year2Win program will go towards equipping our volunteers with state-of-the-art technology that the Trump campaign doesn't have their hands on, and sending them to parts of the state we haven't been to in years.
This is going to be the most ambitious early grassroots push in the history of Wisconsin. Help fund it by donating here:
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Thanks for being with me,
BenPaid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair
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