Dear John,

As you know, in the District of Columbia we have fewer voting rights than all other Americans. Our participation in OUR democracy is limited because we lack statehood.

Make no mistake, Republicans oppose D.C. statehood because they fear you. They know that Democrats will represent our voices in the U.S. Senate and so they maneuver to silence us.

A recent survey by the Democratic Attorneys General Association found that 94% of their supporters ranked "protecting our democracy" as the most important issue to prioritize.

Be assured, as your next Attorney General I will defend democracy and advocate for its growth.

Our democracy is not complete and, at the same time, it is under siege. We must unite against those who seek to undermine democracy and limit our participation in it.

Your Attorney General is the people's lawyer in and out of the courtroom. I will fight for your rights in court, in Congress and in the streets when we march together.

Please help us win this election by making a contribution today.

Your support is building a campaign of the people, by the people and for the people. That is democracy.

Together we will win this election. Please help us reach across the District, unite people and amplify our voices.

Together we rise,



Paid for by McDuffie 2022
Patrick Swygert, Jr., Treasurer.
1609 Buchanan Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
A copy of our report is filed with the DC Office of Campaign Finance.

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