Dear John,

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, despite the lingering impact of COVID-19.

One of the things I’m thankful for is the support of caring friends like you, who make it possible for the American Fondouk to continue our healing mission in the midst of this devastating pandemic. The people and animals who rely on us are still suffering due to the ongoing economic impact of COVID-19, and the travel restrictions imposed in and around the medina.

I’m also thankful for the generosity of our president, J. Robert Coleman, Jr., who has established a $50,000 Challenge Match Fund. You can join us today to heal animals with a donation that will be doubled — up to a total of $50,000!

Double My Gift Button

Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by — and don’t let the animals suffer one minute longer than they have to. Make a gift that doubles in value to provide free veterinary care to animals in desperate need!

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Signature

Dr. Gigi Kay


P.S. Giving Tuesday is November 30! Make your life-saving #GivingTuesday gift early by clicking here. Thank you!

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