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Weekend Edition, November 27-28, 2021


A Massive Covid Wave in Germany and Central Europe Despite High Vaccination

Vasko Kohlmayer

When Resistance Becomes Duty

Milosz Matuschek

Proof: Covid Vaccines Cause Prion Diseases

Steve Kirsch

The Shameful Silence on the Waukesha Massacre

Brendan O’Neill

The Real Lesson of the Rittenhouse Trial

Paul Gottfried

False Security

Jeff Childers

Militant Leftists Have Become the Establishment

Rachel Marsden

Austria Imposing Mandatory Vaccination Regime Violates International Law

Robert Bridge

Review: Red River

Trevor Lynch

An Excellent Conversation

Bionic Mosquito

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on the Building Totalitarian State: ‘This Is Armageddon. This is the Final Battle. We Need to Win This One.’


Football: Where Money Trumps “The Virus”

Jon Rappoport

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