Attacks on the press and Congress. Brett Kavanaugh. Kids in cages.

Every day that Donald Trump occupies the Oval Office, gives us a new reason why we need to take back the Senate in 2020.

Chip in now to flip the Senate blue in 2020!

Election security. Tax cuts for millionaires. Skyrocketing prescription drug costs.

Every year since Citizens United, more and more corporate cash has flooded our democracy, allowing just a few wealthy billionaires to drown out the voices of working families.

That's why we're building a nationwide grassroots movement, to allow progressives across the country to join together.

We're thousands strong, and growing each day! Donate now to keep building the movement!

Oil lobbyists running the EPA. SuperPACs. Net neutrality. Senate Republicans protecting Trump and his worst impulses.

Across the country, there's a tug-of-war between "for the people, by the people" and "for corporations, by corporations."

And the way we ­– the people – win this one is by standing together to take back the Senate and the White House in 2020.

Contribute now to stop Donald Trump from adding to his list of offenses!


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