Dear John,
The language of antisemitism and hate, the kind that ADL combats every day, can turn your stomach.
“Jews control the world.”
“Thanks for killing our children, China.”
“The white race is superior... Whites in the USA are waking up. FACT.”
Vile words like these, said during incidents of hate investigated by ADL in recent months not only harm those immediately affected — they tear at the very fabric that holds our communities together.
Your support has not only ensured that we can stop vile threats and hate speech before they turn to violence but, thanks to you, ADL is also there to help communities across the country heal from these acts of bigotry.
That’s why we need you and our entire ADL community to give now and help unlock every dollar of a special Giving Tuesday match. Thanks to another generous ADL supporter, all gifts up to $100,000 through Giving Tuesday will automatically DOUBLE to go twice as far in the fight against hate!
Please don’t wait, John. Make your Giving Tuesday gift now! Your gift of $50, $75, $100 or more makes it possible for ADL to be on the ground responding to and preventing hate in schools and communities nationwide. Your support will help more communities like these heal...
- With your help, ADL partnered with law enforcement in Omaha, Nebraska, to identify an extremist who was posting antisemitic stickers outside a local synagogue. Once apprehended, the young man met with the synagogue president. He was so remorseful, he recorded an apology for the community and plans to do some speaking about coming back from extremism.
- In St. Paul, Minnesota, your support allowed ADL to help the Hmong Cultural Center Museum recover after being vandalized by a white supremacist group. We helped the center line up government funding for security so they can reopen their doors and continue their work to promote goodwill and cultural understanding in the community.
- And in Southern California, ADL stepped in when an antisemitic incident in a middle school escalated to violence. The principal was concerned about the increased antisemitism, racism and sexism they were seeing in their school. Now, the school is part of ADL’s No Place for Hate® program that helps schools build inclusive, safe communities.
“We had more applications from students than we had room for,” the principal says. “What’s most exciting is that this is something that’s actionable. Our school has a real partner in what we’re trying to do to push the idea of appreciating and celebrating the differences we have in our community.”
Your gift today will double in impact to help ADL stop hate before it takes hold in schools and communities like yours.
Give generously and have your gift doubled to help ADL Fight Hate for Good!
Protecting and Healing Communities, Together. |
Jonathan Greenblatt |
CEO and National Director |