Your donation directly supports our hard-hitting campaigns to improve the lives of working people, including those who proudly give their all to ensure you have a great start to your holiday season.
Through our Always Essential Campaign, we are leading efforts in more than 15 states around the country to position workers in roles where they can directly set and enforce their own health and safety standards. And we are winning! The NY HERO Act, recently passed into law, mandates significant new health and safety protections and allows workers to create their own committees to address any workplace health and safety or policy issue, not just issues concerning COVID-19!
Help fuel more of these victories and protect essential workers everywhere with a donation to Jobs With Justice today! We need to raise $5,000 by November 30th – we hope you can chip in!
In solidarity,
Brenden Sloan
Development Director
PS: If you become a Solidarity Sustainer of $5 or more, as a special thank you for your support, you’ll be eligible for an annual subscription to our new zine, PTO. PTO is a new publication where workers, artists, and visionaries come together and share stories and art that reflect their lives, struggles, and hopes for the labor movement's future.