
In the last few weeks, I’ve become more and more focused on what I can do to help Democrats win, up and down the ballot, all across the country in 2020. Let me tell you why:

President Trump and national Republicans have put our national security in jeopardy.

I’ve been as vocal as I can about what Trump is doing:

  • I went on CNN to talk about foreign policy in 2020 and Syria. We need a clear, proactive strategy going forward on Syria. We also have to have a long term plan to defeat ISIS. Finally, we’ve got to ensure that ISIS stops recruiting people. I want to hear things like that from all the presidential candidates, and of course, we need to hear something like that from the Commander-in-Chief.
  • I went on MSNBC to talk about the killing of Al-Baghdadi. Every single day, there are amazing professionals in our military and intelligence agencies working behind the scenes to keep us safe. But taking out Baghdadi was one step. If you look at the last two weeks, it’s been unquestionably a strategic victory for ISIS, not for the United States. The president has empowered ISIS by pulling out of Syria, by abandoning our allies in the fight against ISIS, the Kurds, and literally releasing—as a consequence of these decisions—several dozen ISIS prisoners.
  • I spoke to the Boston Globe about engaging with the Kurdish community in the United States. The fundamental problem right now is we don’t have a strategy to deal with Turkey, which has essentially become a rogue NATO ally. I think we’ve got to be tough on Turkey, and I think we’ve got to be tough on Erdogan, and especially his inner circle because, at the end of the day, it’s essentially a dictatorship right now.

These are some of the issues that keep me focused on winning big in 2020. We need Democrats--especially veterans--to win in key races around the country, and I’m committed to doing everything I can to help them.

Will you join me by making a contribution before our October end-of-month deadline at midnight tonight? Your support gives us the resources we need to help incredible candidates running in races from the statehouse to the White House in 2020.

Thank you,
