Our Autumn issue "Don't Be Evil" is fully released online. Please share your favorite articles with friends, family, and comrades and encourage them to subscribe. Popular articles include:
Opening This Article Voids Warranty
By Harun Šiljak
Repair, as an act of reclaiming technology, is ongoing in the Global North and South with complementary driving forces and problems.
From Scientists to Salesmen
By Jennifer Lee
While Noah Hutton's In Silico documents the rise and fall of the Human Brain Project, Jennifer Lee attributes the symptoms to the underlying cause of institutionalized science under capitalism.
Keeping you on Track: Remote Work Surveillance Software, Productivity Metrics, and Platform Managerialism
By Ali S. Qadeer and Edward Millar
It's about Frederick Taylor's ghost in machines, or something like that..
Richard Lewontin as Master Dialectician
By Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther
Contradictions exist in our thinking and knowledge, our political and social structures, and in nature itself. Taking a lesson from Lewontin, Winther explores Lewontin's own contradictions.
Labor is the source of all wealth (yes.. and nature.. thanks Marx); thus, we science laborers must discuss and strategize how to organize academic scientists. Please see our Call for Proposals to submit a pitch!
We are ever closer to reaching our financial sustainability goal, but we're not there yet.. Please help us by subscribing and donating to our fundraising drive :)
Our November Steering Committee meeting featured NEW CHAPTERS in Ames, Iowa and Canada!! We had a productive discussion and training on best practices of (re)starting and revitalizing SftP groups, and are looking forward to a new year of organizing and to our next meeting in January! Contact secretary@scienceforthepeople.org to get connected.