NYC Council Approves de Blasio’s Massive Gowanus Rezoning “This is the biggest rezoning this administration has done over our eight years,” the mayor said ahead of Tuesday’s vote on the plan, which will upzone an 82-block swath of the Brooklyn neighborhood to add an estimated 8,500 new apartments.
NYC Homeless Services Head Steve Banks to Leave Post at End of Year Banks, the first head of the city’s revamped Department of Social Services, said he would be departing at the end of the year to take a job as special counsel at a Manhattan-based white shoe law firm, leaving his role for Mayor-elect Eric Adams to fill in the next administration.
¿Qué dicen los latinos sobre colorismo, discriminación y racismo? Una encuesta realizada por el Pew Research Center revela que la mayoría de los latinos dicen que el color de la piel afecta sus oportunidades en los Estados Unidos y condiciona la vida diaria, y aquellos latinos con un color de piel más oscuro reportaron más situacinoes de discriminación que los latinos con un color de piel más clara.
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Opinion: Universal Rental Assistance Could Help End the Homelessness Crisis ‘Currently only 25 percent of eligible households receive the housing voucher, meaning that nearly everyone in need of aid does not receive it. The impact of fully funding vouchers would be astounding: it would help an estimated 1.1 million households in New York state alone.’
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