This is HUGE. Politico just published a major profile on Lucas Kunce, the bold progressive former marine and "crusader against corporate consolidation." And they made it their cover story!

Check it out on Politico here. Share it on Twitter and on FacebookThen. please chip in to help Lucas Kunce build the grassroots movement that will take back Missouri's U.S. Senate seat in 2022.

Lucas outraised the entire Republican field recently. His campaign has huge momentum.

Lucas is a bold progressive crusader against corporate monopolies who will fight for Midwest jobs, universal healthcare, fighting climate change, protecting our democracy, and many other progressive priorities.

CNN ranked this race as one of the best chances to flip a U.S. Senate seat in 2022. The retiring Republican senator barely won his last election with 49.2% of the vote.

Read the Politico story here. Then, share it on Twitter and on Facebook.

And, please chip in $3 to Lucas Kunce’s campaign for U.S. Senate here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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