A child is counting on you

NVFS' Holiday Drives Needs YOU!

Dear John,

With YOUR help, a child's holiday dream will come true.

Time is running out to stock the shelves of the Toy Closet and ensure that we have enough toys and gift cards to distribute to 2,200+ children across the region.

Will you donate now to brighten the holiday for a child this season?


You can help by donating:

A monetary contribution
Your cash gift makes the biggest impact. Why? It ensures we have enough gifts for each age group.

New toys for all ages
Calling all shoppers! Toys of all shapes and sizes are needed to fill our Holiday Toy Closet. See suggested donations and when to drop-off gifts.

Gift cards in denominations of $25
Your Target, Walmart or local grocery store gift cards will give families the flexibility to purchase food for their favorite holiday dishes, warm clothes for winter weather, and gifts for the children.

Let's join together and make this a festive holiday for every family in our community.


With gratitude,

Sarah Crosley

Sarah Crosley
Director of Events and Stewardship
NVFS' Holiday Helpers

To learn more about wishlists, volunteering, or where and when to drop-off your donations, please visit nvfs.org/holidayprograms, or contact Jessica Warren at [email protected].


10455 White Granite Dr., Suite 100, Oakton, VA 22124