Act for America

Dear John,

Today kicks off Black Friday, followed by Thanksgiving Weekend and Cyber Monday Christmas shopping deals.

Let’s invest in America First this season!

Let’s support Made in the USA Companies and American workers! 

Help tilt the balance of economic power away from China into the hands of American companies and American workers! The more we shift our spending towards American companies, brands, and products, the more we enable these companies to expand US manufacturing. 

Let’s send a clear message to American retailers this Christmas shopping season to Make America First! 

Visit us to discover incredible Made in the USA brands and products here >>

Over 250 brands to choose from!
Babies and Kids
Beauty and Personal Care
Furniture, Cookware, and Home
Handbags and Accessories
Jeans and Denim
Sunglasses and Eyewear
Made In USA Online Retailers

Make a difference every time you shop!

A percentage of what you spend is donated to ACT for America (on average 3%) by selecting ACT for America Education as your charity of choice! 

The stores pay for it all! You never pay more, and sometimes you pay less with coupons and deals.


ACT For America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We do not receive any government funding or grants so that we are not muzzled from speaking the truth. We rely on the generosity of patriots who believe in the importance of our work so we can continue exposing America's enemies foreign or domestic and mobilizing Americans to stand up and defend freedom. We would be so grateful for your support.

Copyright © 2021. ACT for America,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 190, #614
Washington, DC 20004
United States
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