Many of you know my friend and colleague, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley.

A fierce advocate for Massachusetts’ Seventh District, she has been steadfast in pursuing progress to lift working families in our state and around the country. I admire her as a mom, a Congresswoman, and a leader -- and because of that, I’m honored to share that she just officially endorsed my campaign for re-election.

From touring detention centers at the border, combating the opioid crisis, protecting the paychecks of working people, and defending women’s reproductive rights at every turn -- Ayanna is a champion for hardworking people across Massachusetts. She’s never backed down from a tough fight and has used her platform to advance social and economic justice since elected.

And I can’t tell you what it means to have her support as we work harder than ever, side-by-side, ahead of next November.

But it’s going to take all of us working together from here on out to maintain the grassroots movement we started building two years ago.

So, if you can join Ayanna in supporting my campaign, please chip in $5 or more right now to ensure this campaign is the strongest it can be before November 2020 →

Thank you for standing with us,