My Tool Kit For Operating In The World


Every day, you have to interact with yourself as well as other people in your family, work, and romantic relationships. Each of them has a unique personality.

People are different, and it can be challenging to understand other perspectives because you see the world through the lens of your unique personality. 

Although these differences can be frustrating, they are important. Each personality type has evolved to solve a different kind of problem. Humans cooperate in societies by solving many different kinds of problems together through these diverse personality types. Understanding how to deftly manage differing personalities can be of great help to you as you progress through life.

I've put together the Discovering Personality Course to provide you with a tool kit for operating in the world, in your personal and professional relationships.
Enroll Now

How Will This Course Help You?
1. Discover the implicit strengths and weaknesses in your personality and how they can be leveraged to thrive in the world.

2. Improve your ability to deal with and understand those around you who have different personalities.

3. Understand how negative emotion relates to personality and how your character can predispose you to disorders such as depression and anxiety (and what you can do to mitigate it).

4. Understand the gender differences in personality: and the sociological, political, and economic ramifications of these differences.

5. Learn valuable insights that can improve your life, from your work to your personal development, career, relationships, and parenthood. 
As a thank you for joining my newsletter, I wanted to offer an opportunity this Black Friday for you to take my Discovering Personality Course at a 53% discount saving you $80.

Also included: You will also receive access to the Understand Myself "Big Five" personality assessment for free. Providing you with specific insights about your unique personality.

"The wonderful benefit of taking this course has been the clarity to understand the basis in which my reactions come from. I was also able to trace back through my life to determine which personality traits I have changed for the better. Viewing the outcome of tragic or difficult events in light of how they have strengthened me changes how I remember my past and the outlook I have on my future." - Jamie Jenkins, Discovering Personality Student 2021
Get Started With The Discovering Personality Course

Kind Regards, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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