Dear John,

Today, as families across the country celebrate Thanksgiving, I wanted to share some of the things I’m grateful for. 

Over the last year, we’ve made enormous strides to combat Covid-19. I’m so thankful for the public health experts and healthcare workers who have worked tirelessly to keep us healthy. They -- alongside everyone who helped develop extraordinarily safe and effective vaccines in record time -- have played an essential role in our recovery. We still have work to do, but with their guidance, I know we can do it together. 

I’m also thankful for investments we’ve made in American working families. From the expanded Child Tax Credit to the historic Jobs and Infrastructure Package to the Build Back Better Act, we’re making real strides towards ensuring every community has the resources they need to thrive. 

Finally, I’m more thankful than I could ever say for each and every one of you. Thank you for fighting alongside me. You’ve given your time, energy, and resources to help get us where we are, and I am truly grateful. 

I hope you get some time to rest and celebrate with your loved ones. 
