Hi Friend,
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re able to celebrate this day of gratitude with your loved ones. As we bring this year to a close, I want to take the time to recognize YOU and your fellow dedicated Population Connection members who gave your time, resources, and attention to advance population stabilization throughout this year. We’re engaged in a long-term effort, and I’m grateful to you for supporting us in the fight for a more sustainable future ... a future where we achieve zero population growth once and for all!
We're grateful to you and your fellow members—this year and EVERY year!

Because of YOU, we:
Rallied nearly 400 activists during our digital Capitol Hill Days advocacy event! These concerned citizens urged their members of Congress to increase the U.S. investment in international family planning programs and to legislate a permanent ban on the odious Global Gag Rule. Together, your fellow advocates made more than 1,200 contacts with legislators!
Trained more than 11,000 teachers to use PopEd materials in their classrooms! And, this year marked our 10th annual World of 7 Billion Student Video Contest, which stands as one of PopEd’s most popular programs. More than 2,200 students from 44 countries and 49 U.S. states and territories participated this year.
Brought together over 1,400 Population Connection members and supporters for educational and informative virtual events throughout the year. We launched our new Page Turners book club just for members like you, with meetings growing in popularity as the year progressed.
You made all of this—and more!—possible. I remain grateful to you, on this day and every day. I wish you all the best this holiday season.

John Seager
President and CEO